The Sing Sing Fruit's Dark Secret.

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The final golem looms over Uta and raises its fist towards her.

"Since they are so old and no one alive knows how to work these things, Gordon figures that they are better off left alone since they're much too ancient for us to handle." Uta continues as she curls her hand into a fist. "But, I have a better idea."

Uta's eyes glow red and she covers her fist with haki.

"We have the Section Leaders and we no longer need these tactless hunk of junk!" Uta cackles as she jumps towards the last golem. "Blaring Uta Punch!"

Uta uses an uppercut and knocks the Drone's head off its neck and sends the head flying across to the other side of the room. Everyone stares shocked as the last golem falls to its knees and deactivates.

"Now, I believe we can search this place in peace now." Uta said, putting away her mic spear. "Anyone get hurt?"

"You know, it ruins the fun when you get to destroy these things and we don't." Pitch comments as she stares at the carnage.

"Well, thanks for helping me regardless." Echo said, thanking the others. "I don't think I can destroy those things without accidentally causing collateral damage."

"It's no big deal, we're all allies here. Let's just do our part and actually figure out what this place is." Abell said, looking around the room. "There must be a reason why this place was locked up and hopefully there is something here that can give us some clue about it."

"Well, I can give you a big hint." Echo said, pointing up towards the ceiling. "You see that up there?"

Everyone looks up to see the giant painting that Echo was pointing to. The girls look at the picture puzzled trying to decipher the message. The Section Leaders quickly gave up and instead lit the torches around the hidden library so the others could get a better view. Echo can't read it as she is unfamiliar with this form of writing.

"Does that look like any language you recognize?" Echo asks Uta who has her eyes glued to the ceiling. "Uta?"

"The fears and doubts of men are given form and collectively given the name of Tot Musica. Now, flee and cower." Uta reads out loud. "That's what it says so far."

"Since when were you able to read that?" Pitch asks, shocked.

"This is my first time seeing this language." Uta said as she continued to read the writing. "No, this is my second time seeing this writing."

"Really? When?" Abell asks, confused.

"This is the same language that cursed Tot Musica was in." Uta said angrily. "All of it is explaining the power of Tot Musica and its relationship to the 'otherworld'. Why is that writing here?"

"If you think that's a coincidence, then you will hate this." Rave calls out from across the room.

Everyone walks over to where Rave was and their eyes widen with shock. Before them, is a cult-like altar and a large stone figure of an ugly demon before it. For everyone unaware of that catastrophe that happened over a decade ago, this was nothing more than a tactless statue, but not for Uta. There's no way in hell she would ever forget that face.

"What is that thing?" Abell asks, looking at it in disgust.

"That is Tot Musica." Uta said glaring at the statue. "So the people of Elegia in the long past worshiped Tot Musica like a god."

However, this version of Tot Musica does look slightly different from what Uta remembers him as and that raises a couple of questions.

"Well, it is deemed the 'Demon King of Songs' it's no wonder the former residents of Elegia treated it like one." Abell said, crossing her arms. "Still, it's hard to believe something like this was made only a few hundred years ago.

Uta's Idol.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن