Chapter 02

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Yeoreum is still thinking about the incident that happened yesterday. Yes, the genie. She put both her elbows on the desk as keep playing with her fingers. The ring got stuck, she couldn't do anything to take it off so she just decided to let it be.

She couldn't even focus on class thinking about the whole thing that happened yesterday that felt like a dream, that certainly felt surreal.

'So, a genie. What if actually I was just dreaming? I mean, two bad things happened to me yesterday. Heartbroken and soaked. So maybe that was just the effect of being heartbroken? That I even dreamed of a genie?' Is what she thought.

"It really seemed so surreal.." She whispered to herself.

'But the ring is indeed with me now, I couldn't even take it off..' She thought whilst rubbing the ring.

"AHH?!" She screamed in horror before she throw her pencil case to his face and put her palm on her chest as Wonwoo suddenly appeared right in front of her. He squealed in pain as it hurt to have the pencil case thrown to his face.

All of her classmates and even Mrs. Kim are looking at her.

"Ms. Kang, what happened to you? Why are you screaming like that?" Mrs. Kim asked drily.

'Wait, they really can't see him?!' She thought.

"S-sorry." Yeoreum apologized as she lowered her head. All of them continued what they're doing. She quickly took her notebook out and wrote 'I DID NOT EVEN SUMMONED YOU!!' and that's when he gave her a death glare.

"You did. I can only get in to this world when you rub the ring and, ouch." He said sharply as he keep rubbing his right cheek.

"You really should be careful with that ring. At least, inform me. It'll be very embarrassing to have you summoning me when I'm in the middle of the shower." And then walked to the empty seat and sat on the table, yes on the table, while crossing both his arms together.

Yeoreum have a disbelief face as she stared at him sitting, who at the same time is also staring at her with a poker face.

"Gothic Jake Frost." She whispered.

"What are you looking at?" Haeyeon asked whispering.


"Anyway, what happened? You screamed like you just saw a ghost or something." She shook her head before shivering which made Yeoreum scoffed.

"I thought it was the cockroach, I'm sorry that I startled you." She answered, an obvious lie.

"Rude." Wonwoo retorted.

"School in human world is really boring and lame." Wonwoo said to himself whilst looking around the dull looking class filled with sleepy students.


"Urgh.. I'm so bored. How many minutes more until this lesson is over?" Yeoreum heard Wonwoo asked, she thought that maybe he's asking himself because it didn't seemed like he's asking her.

Yeoreum couldn't focus during lesson when Wonwoo literally walked around the class, scanning and checking everything as if he've never seen whatever it was before. It bothers her even more by the fact that nobody could even see nor hear him, and not even sense his existence.

Yeoreum wondered, he have nothing to do. So why don't he just go back inside the ring?


"Finally! I'm hungry, really hungry!" Haeyeon exclaimed as she stood up. Mrs. Kim glared at her and shook her head and soon after, Haeyeon gave her a sheepish smile as she bowed.

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