°-《CHAPTER 8》-°

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Today was the Quidditch match. Hufflepuff Vs Slytherin. The match would be starting in a couple of hours, at 3. They would play until 4:30, have a break until 5, and start playing until 7.

Kyle would ask us to watch him play, which we would say yes to, and then we could sit in the Slytherin box, where Sapnap would be cheering for Dream. During the break I would go and talk to Kyle and Karl would talk to Sapnap about their cruel past together. Although, maybe it would be better to not tell Karl about the talking to Kyle part... He'll get overexcited and just- let's just not tell him ok?

I was currently on my way to my second lesson of the day; Astrology. My teacher, Mr Manifold, is pretty nice, although he can be a little stupid at times. Subject wise though, I quite liked Astrology. I found it amazing how many stars there are, and how they can make intricate images together.

Stargazing was always something I had enjoyed. I've been stargazing with Karl before, a year or two ago. We went to a pretty field and laid there, staring up at the stars together, small wildflowers joining us.

I reached my classroom. We would normally do Astrology later in the day, preferably when it actually got dark, but since the Quidditch match would be starting when it started getting dark, we would have to do it earlier in the day, when it wasn't dark.

I left Astrology feeling about ready to go to bed. We spent the entire lesson writing notes and then writing a paragraph about what we had learnt, with the occasional distractions of someone in the class, or well, the teacher.

I went to my dorm to drop off my books and fix my outfit. I changed into jeans and a ravenclaw jumper, as it was still mandatory during school hours to be wearing or representing your house colours or badge.

Karl and I were meeting up at the same cafe we went to yesterday: The Blossoms Dahila. Karl was already there, frowning at his phone. I shrugged it off and sat down next to him.

"Hey, are you exited for the match?" Karl looked up from his phone, "Oh uh yeah I guess, look George, I'm trying to beat my highscore and I can't do it! Help me!" I laughed and said, "Karl, I can't do it for you otherwise it won't be your highscore will it?" Karl looked down at his phone and pressed some buttons from looking up and saying, "Well could you atleast give me some tips?" I put my finger on his phone and lowered it, "You haven't even told me what game your playing," I said trying to peer over at his screen, "Therefore... I can't help you."

I sat back down in my seat just as the Waiter arrived. "Hello, do you gyes know what you would like to order?" Karl silently started to panic, and ik not going to lie, I was too. "Uhm... could we have a menu of the lunch options?" The Waiter smiled and said, "Of course, I'll get that for you right now." He left for a second or so, bringing back a menu in his gloved hands. He placed it onto the table, sliding it in between us.

I reached for the menu and scanned the options my eyes resting on the option I favoured, although I wasn't sure how to pronounce it... "Uh could I have this please?" The Waiter scribbled it into his notes and then looked over to Karl who was awkwardly sitting in his seat. I gave him the menu. His eyes scanned it like mine before asking for a grilled cheese.

The Waiter came back 10 minutes later giving us our food. We gave into our stomachs needs and indulged into our meals. Eating up almost every last crumb that remained.

15 minutes later when we had finished our food, we left the cafe and walked down the same path we did just yesterday, passing the shops and other cafes.

We eventually got back. Kyle messaging us almost exactly as we had entered, asking me to watch the match. It was 2:30 when we came back and chilled in Karl's dorm for the rest of the time, chatting and laughing.

At 2:45 we left to go to the fields where the match would commence. With 5 minutes until the match, we sat in anticipation. Not exactly for the match, but for the conversations that would follow...


Writing this chapter super late again.
Not used to time differences

Gonna be busy tmr and the day after so I have no idea wether I'll have time to write the next 2 chapter or not so might have to wait 3 or 4 days

See you next time. Thx for the reads <33 baiii


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