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It was Saturday evening and Afira was in the kitchen making tea for Mr. Dawood. Apart from attending college, she began participating in household chores such as cooking, gardening, and performing laundry even though she didn't have to because there were designated servants for each of these tasks, however, making a contribution was her way of acknowledging that she wanted to become part of Faris's family.

Since that episode with Babar took place one thing has become clear to her, that even though her life has turned upside down, there was no point looking back and in order to move forward she had to accept her fate. When she thought rationally, she felt that Faris was the noblest among Akbar and Babar with high moral ground. Both Akbar and Babar sought the path which was convenient for them, Akbar left her at the night of their wedding and Babar chickened out whenever she counted on him, while Faris who didn't even know Afira, having no obligation over her whatsoever, had accepted her with both hands.

But that's the logical part of her brain which had made this perception about Faris, because when she thought emotionally, Faris had still not made any impact on her heart. And how would he? He barely spent time with Afira.

On the night when he drove her back home after she met Babar, Afira wanted to talk to him, she wanted to know him, wanted to discover what he liked and what he disliked, but as soon as they reached home, he went straight into their drawing room to attend a virtual business meeting. Afira had no idea when his meeting had ended because by the time it must be over, Afira was snoring on the bed. Next day, same routine followed, where he left for work early and arrived so late that only owls and vampires would be awake at that time.

Despite she was sharing a bedroom with him, he behaved like a complete stranger who lived in a shadow, and rather than seeing Faris, Afira became accustomed to see his belongings, things like; his wet towels, empty coffee cups, ongoing readings and untidy blanket, stuff which would remind her about Faris's presence in the room, but she never got to see him. Because of this Faris started interacting with Afira through sticky notes. Every morning when she woke up, she found a yellow square paper attached to her side table on which some kind of message was written. This morning he wrote:

I thought you must be missing your family, so I've decided that tonight we are going to visit your parents. You can stay at their place for the weekend and spend time with them.

Afira was indeed craving to meet her family and Faris was quite receptive, somehow, he just found out about Afira's needs before she can mention them.

Afira was excited and looked forward to stay at her former home, but when she brought cup of tea to Mr. Dawood in his study and told him about spending the weekend at her parent's house, Mr. Dawood didn't look particularly impressed.

"Don't you think you should spend your weekend with Faris instead?" Mr. Dawood insisted. "It would be better if you choose some other day for staying at your parent's as Faris is usually unavailable at weekdays anyway."

Afira didn't argue with Mr. Dawood and obediently concurred with his suggestion. When Faris returned from work and found that Afira was only carrying a handbag and taking no suitcase along with her, he asked her why she hadn't packed her stuff, to which Afira replied that Mr. Dawood didn't like the idea of her staying at her parents on weekend and so she will return with him tonight. Faris didn't appreciate it and immediately took Afira to the study room where he confronted his father.

"Baba," Faris said clasping his hand against his waist. "As much as I respect your opinion and consider your wish my command, there are certain areas where I want to draw a line. Being married to Afira there are some commitments which I must satisfy for her, and I won't allow anyone to interfere with what is decided between us, not even you. If I had allowed her to stay at her parent's tonight, then I don't want you to overrule that decision."

BOUNDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora