“A deal is a deal. Now, you'll let me stay down here until I have everything ready.” Blake frowned.
In the crack of the door, he peaked through, seeing something that made his blood run cold.

Right there stood an alien. He was mostly blue with purple sploshes here and there. The extraterrestrial was slightly taller than Blake, too. “Right.” Patrick said and took a glass.

“But first. I need that runt out of here. He knows too much.”

“Of course. Once he is disposed off, we can continue the rest of the plan.”

Patrick offered him a drink, but the alien declined it. “You're how old again?” Patrick asked in a confused tone.

“Much older than you. My body is still growing. Just a small flaw of our kind. It'll work in your favor. I can act as your son that you adopted.”

“Good, I don't want to associate the runt's name with you. Hearing his name makes me mad.”

“I'll go by Billy then.” Billy said. Through out the entire conversation, he was straightforward and blunt.

“So, you want all of the humans that live here for testing and science stuff?”

Billy sighed. “Yes. We have many tests to conduct and you humans are so damn weak. We need more. You perhaps know more of hideouts like these?”

“Yes, communication is minimal. I believe you understand why.”

Monsters. Demons. That's what these three were.

“Yes. Now, where's this Blake you mentioned?”

“I'll have my idiot brother look for him. Why don't we continue this further in my office.” Patrick said smirking. “And what my demands are in return.”

Stay low! Survive!

Blake pushed the door open. He was breathing heavily. He had to get out.

“Come out - come out, wherever you are.” Fredrickson said. “We're playing hide and seak, young nephew.” Blake hid himself in the cupboard when he heard Fredrickson coming closer to the kitchen.

“Wow! There is a butt ton of booze! Ha!” He exclamed out loudly. “Right, let's get this over with then!” Fredrickson said, popping a dumpy beer open.
“Damn, all we need is hot babes.”

Blake wanted gag. He did not need to be reminded. It was bad enough on the surface and how they harrased him, too.

“Where are you runt!” Fredrickson said as he left the kitchen. Blake slowly came out when Fredrickson exited the room.

He peered around the corner to see which way he had gone. So he went the opposite way. Blake moved as quickly as he could, until he tripped over a loose end of the carpet.
The thud alerted Fredrickson of Blake's location.

Quickly standing up, Blake made a run for it. He was slow. Blake's legs were bruised and shot. Fredrickson quickly caught him.

Blake wanted to throw up when he smelled Fredrickson's beer breath. “Ha, found you! Game over, I win! Good game, though.” Blake struggled to get away from Fredrickson.
“Now, I'm off to collect my price! Oh, goody!”

“No! No! Let go of me! Please!” Blake shouted, crying. He tried to kick himself free from Fredrickson, but he was far too weak.

Please! I just wanted to stay out of the way!

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