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Diana smirked as Richard left. Idiot...She thought and thought of all the possible ways she could ditch them and ran off.

It was a few hours later when Richard entered the room and with Lieutenant Lucy and two soldiers next to them.
“Lucy…” Diana said, making the Lieutenant huff as she looked unimpressed at Diana.

“Diana, we are well aware that you don't want to be here so with that said, you might want to escape.” Richard began.

“Oh…What gave you that idea?” Diana said, faking being surprised. “What are you going to do about it then?” Diana asked. Richard nodded to the soldiers and they went into Diana's containment cell.

“Hands in the air and face the wall.” The one soldier said as he aimed a gun towards Diana, who stood at the glass wall.
“Give me one reason, why I should trust you?” Diana said as her hands were brought down to be cuffed behind her back.

“You have every right to be mad, but what we did doesn't involve Zac's life. He is still young and there is a lot of potential in him. We will give you half of what we promised now to show you we are serious. When your mission is completed and Zac and the young man and alien that is with him is brought here, then you can do whatever afterwards and in safety.” Lucy explained.

Damnit all...Diana thought. The soldiers led her to where Richard and Lucy were waiting. “Then show me this promise land you speak off.” Diana said. Richard pulled out a small tablet and showed the screen to her. Her eyes widened when she saw the pod she could have that is registered under her own name and in sweet, sweet solitude as well.

“When do I leave?” Diana asked.

“Once we have your equipment ready.”

Diana frowned. “Keep it light...because yeah...noise, not a good thing to make up there.” She said.
“What do you suggest then?” Lucy asked.

“One, I want my knives back.I've laced them with snake venom. Don't ask. A backpack with only the important stuff in it like a first aid kit, food and ammunition and, oh, yeah, a gun with silencer. That is all...and maybe some spare clothes.” Diana said.

“Why so...minimal?” Lucy asked.

“Because, I won't stand out and, if I'm in a tricky situation, it will be easier to escape.” Diana said.

Diana got the supplies she had asked for and was finally ready to leave...after she had a tasty meal as well. Diana stared as the platform came down. She suddenly let out a loud burp making Richard and Lucy spin around to look at Diana.

“Ha! That was a good one!” Diana said.

Richard was honestly confused how she survived like this. Diana jumped onto the platform and it immediately started to lift itself to the ceiling.
Once Diana arrived on the surface she took a deep breath and went to the closest building and started to climb it. She pulled out the radio Richard gave her and accessed the map that had locations marked on where Zac led the team.

“Time to get a move on. Just like in the old days.” She said. She looked at where the team headed on the map and followed the route. Quickly jumping to the next building, which was the first mark, she pulled out the binoculars and looked towards where they headed afterwards. There wasn't much. She remembered that Richard told her that a drone was released to scout out ahead when they got to cover. The scouting robots were everywhere down below.

If she made any noise as she jumped, those things will catch her with no hesitation. She inspected the area again with her binoculars just to double check. When Diana didn't see anything of interest, she prepared herself for the next jump. When her feet made contact, she nearly got a heart attack when the floor shook underneath her. The building was unstable. Shit...

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