Chapter 13

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sweat trickled down my forehead as i jolted upright from the dream that haunted me just moments ago. Fear, Sadness and guilt raked over me, coming in waves one after another.

Breathing in the autumn air i could smell the fire wood burning from the chimney, the smoke tumbling over the village like clouds. glancing over towards the candle that lit the room, i noticed a figure curled up in the rocking chair. Wheat like hair matted and covered in dirt, porcelain skin was scratched and dirt ridden. hanging loosely from their fingertips was a romance novel, It's maroon cover giving to only pop of colour to the dreary room.

Smiling slightly i look back to the wall infront of me, the dream replaying in my mind as if torturing me all over again. I hardly remember any of my childhood, so why was the dream so vivid?

Shaking the thoughts away i slipped out of the covers, letting my feet greet the cold floorboards sending a shiver up my spine and small pimples appear on my arm. taking attentive steps towards the door, wanting Victoria to rest in peace after last nights events.

I make my way down the hall shadows dancing on the walls as i pass by with the candlestick in hand, the house was silent, nothing could be heard other than the small flame crackling now an again, walking down the stairs that lead to the kitchen i made my way over to the pitcher and began to pour myself a glass, hearing shuffling coming from nearby i quickly glance around catching a glimpse of a warm light flickering down the hall. blowing out my own candle i sit it down next to the glass, Abandoning it and walking towards the light.

reaching the door that leaks the flickering light, i crack it open to peer inside only to see Katrina sitting infront of a fireplace, it's flames an irregular size. looking up she closes her book and tucks it behind her.

"Oh- Pardon my intrusion, I saw the light," i muttered shyly and begin closing the door to leave.

"It is no intrusion, i come here to read when i am wakeful Mr Crane" she hums, a sweet smile gracing her lips as she talks.

"Please...Join me"

my eyes scan the room as i push open the door, art lined the walls ranging from farmers barley fields to the vast forrest's, every single one was hung in gold framing, the painting looking like they haven't been dusted in eons. gliding over towards the chair opposite hers i take a seat, catching a glimpse of the book that was stuffed at her side, the pages seemed to be gold lined and the coverage a pale blue with white details.

"To read books which you must hide?" i question, wondering why must she need to hide them. crossing my leg over the other i couldn't help but feel my eyes narrow at the young woman.

her lips turned up in a warm smile "They were my mothers Books. My father believes that tales of love and fairies cause the brain delusions that killed my mother, she died tow years ago come midwinter." she explained

I nod, taking in every word she said, mentally writing it down to memorise later on, clasping my hands infront of me i continue to listen.

"The nurse who cared for my mother when she fell sick was now Lady Van Tassel" she voiced.

My eyebrows creased skeptically at her "There was something else to...why did no one think to mention that Van Garretts are kith and kin to the Van Tassels?"

She only scoffed and looked away from the judging stare i gave her.

"Why? because there is hardly a house in Sleepy Hollow that isn't connected to another by blood or marriage." she stated.

I move my eyes towards the ground and lift myself up from the seat embarrassed by what happened.

Moving towards the window i see that dawn was starting to break, mildew could be seen glittering across the grass like tiny diamonds. In the reflection i could see Katrina begin to stand and walk towards me, her body leaning against the window sill as she faces me. "This land your looking at was Van Garrett Land given to my father when i was in swaddling clothes"

i keep my gaze on the orange skies, seeing on how the clouds turned from pink and yellow to a chalky white. "The Van Garretts were the richest family around these parts"

my eyes seemed to travel on their own as they landed upon her, listing to her story as she went on "When my Father brought us to Sleepy Hollow, Van Garrett set him up with an acre an a ramshackle cottage, My father worked to the bone for his family, and prospered and built us this house, i owe my happiness to him...i remember living in that cottage."

I catch her eyes and give her an apologetic gaze, displaying sincere pity for the girl and her family, looking away we stood in silence for a moment until her face lit up.

"Should i show you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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