𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 1

633 16 2

Ichabod Crane

It was dark, cold night on the year of 1799 here in the vast city of New York as I kneeled on the docks, peering warily into the Hudson River.

I knew I saw something move in the murky water, or should I say 'someone', all the signs are here, scuffs from only one pair of shoes on the wooden planks not seeing any sign of struggle, as if the person was already knocked out...but where was the body?

I poked a stick into the water, stirring up the murk. squinting to see if I could find anything, then suddenly....

I lift my alarm bell with my right hand ringing it rapidly the bell clanging in the deadly silent night bouncing of the cobblestone street and building , "Help! help here! .. Lend me a hand!"

I heard footsteps rushing towards me, hearing the steel heel clank along the streets I automatically knew it was one of the constables, it was part of our uniform and the sound was unforgettable . The two constables hurried around the corner, not lifting my eyes of the water, the two constables slow as they near me.

"Constable Crane? Ichabod Crane is that you?" one of the men called out to me

I tilt my head towards them briefly and replied "None other" my voice echoing on the docks.

"Not only me..." I say a little quieter

just as if on cue a bloated corpse floats up, and my stomach drops, my mouth opens to let out a silent gasp "I have found something...which was lately a man"

I stand up and step away as the policemen pulled out the body from the dark murky water, they came to my side and peered down at the pale bloated corpse.

sighing in disgust, I moved back away from the two, shaken and a bit unnerved at the sight in front of me, I kept down my bile that was forming in my throat as the smell hit me. Despite being a constable inspector, dead bodies never cease to disturb me. But I am by far the best detective in the yard.

The two men threw the bloated corpse into a wheel-barrow, I pulled out my handkerchief and covered my nose the smell almost making me faint hearted, one of the constables started to wheel him back to the jail watch-house.

I despise having to work in the Jail House, it was damp cavernous room, I would rather have a clean operating room for my work, but I don't have the privilege of working in such luxury.

The first, taller Constable, who had called out to me stands aside and pausing infront of the higher-up constable , awaiting for instructions I stand beside the shorter one as I watch.

The Higher-up Constable takes one glance at the body in the wheel-barrow and orders coldly "Burn it"

The taller Constable grins wickedly at that and proudly replies "Yes Sir."

He wheels the corpse away and down a ramp to the incinerator, the other constable following behind.

but we don't know what the man died off! he could be killed and then casted into the River!

I sped after the two but falter in my strides, looking up at the Higher-up Constable and spoke up "Just a moment, if I may. We do not know the cause of death!"

He picks up a ring of keys from the key box, pausing to look at me with complete irritation "When you find them in the River, cause of death is drowning." he bluntly sated to me as if it was obvious.

The two constables from earlier shouted something ripping my attention away from the High constable, returning my gaze back upon the man infront of me again and spoke confidently "Possibly so, if there is water in the lungs, but by pathology, we might determine weather or not he was dead before he went into the river"

the high constable cocked his head and placed his hand upon the key box once again and leans on it placing his other hand upon his hip in skepticism, but his eyes held disbelief, " i will need to examine the body" i commanded politely

He almost seemed amused by my comment, but my scientific implication was correct, if there was water in his lungs therefore i wont look into it any-further but if i am proved right i wont let it rest, scoffing he narrowed his eyes at me "Cut him up...Are we Heathens!"

I was just to protest again but was interrupted by an agonising groan echos through the room, and our attention snaps to the source, two constables drag a man that is semi-bleeding, alarmed by the sight i press my back against the podium

in a half interested tone the constable asks "And What happened to him?"

one of the men replied back with a smirk plastering his face "Nothing sir, Arrested for Burglary."

The hight constable nods in careless understanding, nodding his head towards the jail cells in gesture to lock him up, i watch them discreetly abuse the already hurt man, i gasp silently as they drop him into a cell and small the cage door shut. my eyes widen at the sight and my lips part in shock.

The high constable mutters something under his breath that i can't quite catch, he began swinging his keys "Good work..."

i swallow down my uneasiness and glance at him, a bit annoyed with his utter arrogant behaviour with these prisoners and corpses. i glance down the ramp and look towards the incinerator room, i hurried down towards the two constables and the corpse.

managing to get the corpse before they throw it into the flames, telling them to leave and all i get in return is an eye roll and mumbling and grumbling, mocking me in my sense of reason, ignoring them and inspecting the body closely. yes i may not like it but it is crucially important.

𝐹𝑜𝓇 𝒩𝑜𝓌 𝒜𝓃𝒹 𝐹𝑜𝓇𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 - 𝙸𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚍 𝙲𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚎Where stories live. Discover now