Chapter 12

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"Ichabod! Ichabod!"

A melodic voice keeps calling my name, Why dose it seems so distant? rubbing at my eyes i take in the surroundings, A small cottage with ivy crawling up the stone walls inclosing the once bright paint stood infront of me, "Ichabod! Darling!" the voice sounds again.

This time my feet carried me to the sound that seemed like some archaic melody. small Flushed petals fluttered down from the Blossom trees that lined the pathway tickling you're skin with it's ghost like touch.

Coming to a halt I saw a woman dressed head to toe in a cream gown, her feet bare. Wild flowers surrounded her almost like they were cocooning her, keeping her away from the harsh reality that life brought.

Her hair was similar to the ocean at night, completely pitch black, But what struck me was the blind fold that covered her eyes, much like Katrina's.

letting my feet guide me over to her i only realize that i'm not the same hight as i was before, looking down at my hands i saw how childlike they seemed against the wildflowers, i must've been around 7 maybe 6.

Looking back up i noticed the woman was playing the pickety witch, Yet there was no soul to be seen bar mine. stopping in front of her i let her catch me. She pulls me in placing a soft kiss to my cheek.

Pulling away I let out a laugh, gently pulling the blindfold off her face, I was met with dazzling blue eyes that seemed like gem stones, they were the eyes that had loved me the most, They were my mother's eyes. Lifting my fist up I handed her the wildflowers that i had picked ranging from, Snowdrops, Bluebells and Primroses.

She expresses her gratitude in her kind loving smile, lifting the small bouquet to her nose she breathed in the floral scent.

The scene changes, this time the ghost like tickle was now replaced with a harsh chill that made the hairs on my neck stand on end. surrounding me where four Biscuit coloured walls, mildew sticking the the paint and the rafters decaying from the water that had escaped in. the only pop of colour being the Maroon door that stood out like a sore thumb and the carpet that was exactly the same.

before i could familiarise myself with the room it changes again, this time my mother stands before me, beckoning me over towards the lit hearth. stepping forward i join her on the hearth watching as she tossed the flowers i gifted her into the rustic flames.

Curiosity filled me as i watched the flowers turn to ash, I wasn't frightened nor was i upset. I watched as she drew in the dirt, breathing in the smoke that the flowers gave of her eyes closed as if she was in a trance, she intrigues me as she continues to draw in the ash that layered on the hearthstone.

Suddenly a breeze tickles my ear, craning my neck i look to see the door creaking open yet no one is there, the chills reappear on my chalk like skin. A black and white fuzz enters my vision...the family cat.

Looking back at my mother i notice she came out of her trance, her eyes swimming With concern they no longer held the mirth that danced within them. hearing heavy footsteps approach the chills only run down my spin and over my shoulders as if iv'e been doused in Freezing water. There stood at the entrance was my father, his face gaunt and grim...And his eyes soulless.

His lips twisted into a snide sadistic smirk...Smile lines never greeted me when he looked my way it was always hatred that burned deeply.

The setting changed once more, this time Stars scattered the heavens like diamond's and the moon Greeted passerby's with a smile.

Blankets covered my nose as i watched my mother tuck me in, fear swelling in my eyes as i clutch at it for comfort.

My Mother only sits at the edge of the bed Cooing and rubbing small circles on the back of my hand, trying her hardest to calm me down, letting go of my hand she pulls something out of her dress pocket. It was a small disc tied with red string, she shows me both sides of the disc on one side it's cardinal in mid flight and on the other it was a Bird cage. Suddenly, she twirls the string, watching closely i saw how the cardinal was in the cage, i was fascinated with the magic behind it, i remove the blanket from my face and give her a smile, my eyes crinkling with happiness.

It soon came to an abrupt stop as lightning flashed outside and thunder clapped, a silhouette could be seen lurking outside the door, the figure that belonged to my father.

images flashed in and out, the image of the maroon door flashed in and out and so did the torturous devices.

𝐹𝑜𝓇 𝒩𝑜𝓌 𝒜𝓃𝒹 𝐹𝑜𝓇𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 - 𝙸𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚍 𝙲𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚎Where stories live. Discover now