Part 23

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Lisa can you stop walking back and forth im becomming dizzy . chittip manoban is complaining

why are they taking so long ?

what do you think of irene a dog ? she would just lay her baby just like that . lisa looked at her mom seriously he cant rebatt , it was his mother .

as time pass by lisa wants to kick the door and enter .
finally the door open it was a healthy baby boy . the Ob doctor said .

Can i see my wife ? lisa quickly asked not minding about what the doctor said. 

he enter their room and he saw her wife and the baby is in her hands .

are you okay ? he asked .

look at him hubby, he is a mini You. irene looking at the baby with tears in her eyes .

then lisa looks at the baby,
and he smiled and kissed her wifes forehead and whispered
i love you my wife .

irene had a normal delivery ,the baby is healthy and good looking . many praised the baby saying that when it grows up it would break many hearts .

because irene has a newborn she will not work for now . wendy is lisas secretary once again .

they named the boy "Riley" he is cute and was like a ball of sunshine always giggling at simple things . his laughter warms the hearts of the people who hears it.

riley has a unique closeness to his papa lisa. at first they cant figure out why the baby is grumpy but obviously he was  sleepy , they tried everything to make him sleep but when lisa took him in his arms and hum him a lullaby and say goodnight . the baby finally goes to dreamland .

they thought it was a coincidence but then the other day it happen again . so they concluded the baby really had lisa in his heart . it was a sweet connection , the child has thoughts like irene , while his features are from lisa .

irene studied while she was nursing riley at home . she found interest in designing dress at first she was shy to tell lisa about it but when lisa accidentally saw her drawing collections . he didnt stop convincing his wife that she must pursue it .

they considered hiring a nanny for riley, but irene didnt like it, she felt jealous when she saw lisa talking to the nanny and the woman would give flirtatious looks to lisa and they would talk about the baby.

while lisa would be okay with it because it would result into a spicy sex he still doesnt want irene to feel insecure so he made a suggestion that
irene would take care of riley from morning til afternoon and they will shift when lisa was back from work.

riley was a behave boy, he doesnt really bother irene he would just play his toys or would watch educational contents on his ipad or would call her mom if he feels hungry or wants some affection. their bonding is calm and relaxing.

and when lisa was back from work he would look after him. He was completely different with lisa he was energetic, lisa was like a clown to riley, the baby would always laugh when lisa makes funny faces. he tours riley in his man cave and they would play like theres no tommorrow, so when they come back to their room riley loose all his energy and would sleep like a rock.

When riley was three years old , irene already have her own boutique .

Riley goes to irenes office with his father. He was on his shoulder sitting there like a king . he was spoiled by lisa but irene controlled it by always scolding her husband. Lisa is so obedient to irene so he always say to riley to ask mama first . so riley would act all cute to his mom .

irene who knows her son very well would make riley follow her instructions first before he get what he wants .

riley is closed to both of his grandparents they spoiled him when he was with them .

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