Part 22

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hubby dont leave me please , i told him when he was infront of me kneeling rubbing my belly . i would die without you . he stand up and give me a kiss on the forehead.  he hugg me so tight .
after that he vanished in thin air , i was only hugging myself .

hubby ! i yelled looking for him just to see him walking away from me . i reached out my hand but he continued walking far away from me . hubby ... i think i was beginning to suffocate from my own crying .

irene ! irene wake up . you're having a nightmare . and when i opened my eyes i saw my mom and dad. my mom hugged me consoling me .

what happened to my husband ?
i panicked .

calm down irene its not good for the baby . and lisa is now out of danger .

can i see him now ? please .i pleaded .

ok but after that you have to eat the baby needs you too .

they helped me to go to lisas room .

he was lying there in the bed, some tubes and patches was connected to him.

i went to him and squeeze his hand . i cried again and i interlaced our fingers . i kiss his hand .  at first they want me to rest at the other room , its bad for the baby to be stressed . i told them i would just calm down when im with lisa .

so lisas parents ordered another bed to be placed beside him . and then i slept holding his hand .

everyday i always talk to lisa , i tell him how much i miss him and something about our baby . its been a week already . it hurts me seeing him sleeping eventhough his face looks peaceful, the fear of not knowing what to expect is beginning to eat me up .

as usual after i wake up i said goodmorning to my husband and kiss him on the cheeks . now he has no more tube only patches has remained in his chest .

after im done in my morning routine. i came back to him talking to him while eating , i want him to know im a obedient wife and im taking care of our baby . after that i placed his hand on my belly i guided his hand to caress my belly then out of nowhere the baby kicked, not only once but twice . wow it hurts you know. 

it was the first time the baby made contact with him , usually lisa would ask the baby to kick but our baby is stubborn . i cried when it happened .

lisas hands twitch , i saw tears came out in the corner of his eyes. i saw some movements from his eyelids then he slowly opened his eyes and looked at me .

hubby ! i quickly move to closer to his face then Mrs manoban called the nurse .

after that his vitals were checked .

lisa was put on a clear fluid diet to give him energy . lisa can now talk a little but he was still weak because of his situation and the medicines he take . after 3 days they went back home .

irene cried when lisa told him he doesnt want her to take care of him .

irene is jealous when she saw the nurse that is attending to lisa was beautiful , and she saw the latter is bitting her lips while cleaning his wound.

but then lisa explained he was just worried about her , he doesnt want her tired .

irene is still not convinced she still have tears in her eyes . lisa cant help but feel hot seeing his beautiful angel crying because of jealousy . so he cupped her face and kissed her . but irene think its out of pity so she didnt return the kiss , so lisa get her hand and put it in his crotch. knowing now that he is hard she fondle it while enjoying lisas tounge inside her mouth.  the kiss was so intense that she can feel the intensity travelling to her core.

lisa told irene to lay beside him and he started kissing irene again down to her valley of her breast , while sucking her nipple his other hand pulled down her panties , played with her clit rubbing circles in it and dip his finger in her wet hole , irene moans were throaty .

eventhough lisa felt pain and uncomfortable . he still went down to eat her wife , she was delicious he cant help but taste her . he suck her clit while fingering her hole, she was so wet they both are enjoying the pleasure lisa enter his three fingers on her after that irenes toes curls as she hit her orgasms since lisa still cant enter her she went down on him and give him a head . lisa made a few thrust to fuck her mouth until he released . after that irene lay beside lisa and hugged him

irene assured him that she will not be tired so lisa allowed her but first the nurse need to teach her the proper cleaning of the wound . a week had passed and lisa can now walk again but irene didnt let him go to work . she wants him fully healed .

irene is now the one cleaning his wounds . everytime she touch it , she can hear the gunshot . and the stab it felt like she was the one being thrust by the knife .

wife , are you alright . irene was tearing up .

im sorry i just remember that i almost lost you  .

dont cry i will always find my way to come back to you . i will never leave you okay . and he hugged irene who was still weeping .

hubby i couldnt live without you , so you must always be strong .


about V when lisa shot him he was not immediately rushed to the hospital . when the ambulance came , he was already out of breathe .

Irene and lisas parents made sure that V is the one cremated .
they dont want to be fooled because he was so cunning .


lisa and irene are now staying in the tree house . they move here since lisa needs some fresh air .

lisa was just watching irene , she was doing something with the flowers . then when it was already finished she came up to the tree house .

what is this ? irene put a flower crown to lisa and her a flower necklace ?

hmpf a flower crown i made it specially for you . dont you like it ? irene pout .

i dont like it , i love it , lisa looked at his wife lovingly .

irene cleared her throat .

what is it ? he knows she want to say something .

hubby, dont interrupt okay .i want to tell you something . *lisa nods*. irene is a bit red but she compose herself after breathing in and then she looks at her.

hubby the time that i made a confession on you, the time that i want divorce . i thought i already knew how much we love each other . but after the incident with V, i realised that i love you too much , you know that moment if you die i want to go next . i cant imagine living my life without you because your love for me is my life . irene tears started to roll down , lisa wiped them . then irene get a box from her purse and open it revealing a ring . hubby this is not as expensive that what you give me , but this ring holds my promise that me Irene Bae would never ever depart from you . that even if i die you will only be the person that i will love. and she gets lisas hand and put it on his ring finger.

after that lisa kissed her and hugged her tight.  you made me the happiest my wife.  he remained hugging her because he was emotional irene knows that lisa cried she felt her shoulders wet .


everything came back to normal .

irene is still working as Lisas secretary the reason is shell be bored to death at home and she always wants to be close to him .

the couple now is kind of showey , always have that loving eyes for each other , sometimes when theres a few people lisa would put his chin in irenes shoulder looking at the screen while discussing something. he would always give irene her comfort food . there is never a day that they wont show each other how much they appreciate one another. 

the baby is still healthy and now it communicates with lisa , when he touch irenes belly it kicks.  now lisa is the one to tell his child not to kick because it was hurting her mother that made irene laugh .

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