16. Bones

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- No! I don't want, Tae! - his voice had a stronger tonality than he would normally use when he was with an elder. His eyes were watery, and he could barely see the looming figure in front of him. Taehyung didn't speak, he looked into the void to his right side in silence.

- How can you ask that from me? Fuck! - Jungkook's knees buckled and the man found himself on the floor, with his head bowed and his eyes fixed on the floor.

Tae was still silent, now his eyes were closed and it was as if he could feel every heartbeat of the man in front of him. He could feel his voice would shake if he dared to say anything.

Taehyung was a man who was distinguished by a kind of cautious alienation, a kind of restrained mistrust towards people, which could not seem to go unnoticed. Jungkook noticed it and it hurt him.

- Tae, look at me! Fucking shit! - he shouted and the elder obeyed him immediately. The man watched as Jungkook's body slowly rose from its awkward position on the floor of the apartment and slowly approached the other.

- Tell me how I can be your best man at your wedding? Tell me how you can even ask me that! Wasn't it enough that you spent months with her in front of me? You broke up with me so you wouldn't hurt her. You hurt me so she wouldn't wither.

- Jungkook... - he finally spoke looking at the younger man whose tears didn't stop falling and then he continued in a quiet, calm tone.

- You knew already that we couldn't continue our screwing up around forever. It had to be like this. Yerin loves me and I...

- Don't you dare say that in front of me! Screwing up? - he asked with furrowed brows.

- Is it to you, Kim Taehyung, our ten year love just bullshit? - his heart was broken into a thousand pieces. Jungkook watched for months how their best friend from childhood took over what he loved most in the world.

He even came to terms with the fact that Taehyung left him wanting to try something with her. Although it slipped a few times and they crossed the border, he remained mute.

But now, to call their love that Jungkook could die for in the same second as just screwing up? He couldn't get over that. He couldn't forgive that.

- You don't have an answer? Screw you! I wish you never find happiness with her! And no, I won't be your best man. - he said that and he started towards the door, but quickly stopped, as if something wasn't giving him peace.

Jungkook felt his body falling apart and every muscle tearing from the pain.

He felt his abandonment in his bones.

He turned and looked at his man, speaking for the last time.

- Don't call me when you realize she's not me. Don't call me when you want to stuck your dick somewhere, because I won't be available for that kind of screwing up again. - he emphasized the last words as if it was the most important in the world. The young man turned and before Tae could call him, he slammed the door and marched away spreading the welcoming arms of the pain that stalked him.

He woke up again drenched in sweat.

Yes, it was just a memory, one of a thousand that was spinning in his head these days. The pain, long forgotten was still present deep in his subconscious.

Yerin was dead. And all that healing process had lasted long enough for him, now he was ready to finally take his destiny into his own hands again. He returned to the path he should have walked long ago.


A smile crept onto his face thinking of his lover, he quickly got up to get ready for work, making his way to the bathroom.


When Taehyung opened the lab door, he was greeted by an ethereal sight. Jungkook's ass was in the foreground as he leaned his elbows on the table in front of Yoongi.

The elder swallowed the lump in his throat. It was neither the time nor the place to give up now. He looked once again, carefully observed Jungkook's thin waist that was visible under the white Supreme t-shirt and his fat buttocks, and then focused his attention on the man in the white coat.

- Yoongi? - at that the younger turned around, completely unaware of the other detective's presence and quickly assumed the pose of a soldier. Tae was still looking at the younger man as he said the other man's name.

Yoongi looked blankly at both of them and then he started to speak.

- I had to boil Ana's bones to get her story. - he paused, looked at both of them, whose attention he now had completely, and then continued.

- And she didn't have the happy ending that princesses her age dream of. She had a lot of injuries. - he concluded.

- So Ana Solis was beaten to death? - Jungkook asked with furrowed brows.

- Solis? Interesting. When I measured her I classified her parents as African American. - Yoongi said quietly, staring at the screen in front of him.

- Her mother was Mexican.

- But father is certainly not. - Yoongi said in a confident tone. Then he looked at the screen once more and then at the two detectives.

- According to the injuries, the fatal blow was to the skull. But the tool used is best seen on her upper arm. The print is deeply cut into the bone, she probably defended herself with her hands before that fatal blow. - the man was now showing pictures on the screen, where it was possible to see how the bone was cut.

- The tool print shows a pointed device like a car mechanic would use. - Jungkook read the report under the picture looking directly at the older man.

- Lee is a car mechanic. Now there is absolutely no chance he can get away with what he did. - Taehyung said as he slowly took his phone out of his pocket searching through his contacts for Jimin's name. They needed recognition from that monster and they would get it in an instant.


In a small examination room, three men sat at a table. Police officers were standing in front of the room, ready to arrest the criminal.

- Mr. Lee, we found your tool on the boat you planned to escape with. We found the tool you committed the crime with, just admit it.

- Anyone could put a tool in there. The boat was standing in front of the house, in the street all the time.

- Look, you can lie freely, but the evidence says that you killed Ana Solis. - Jungkook spoke, with his hands folded on his chest, looking at the man in front of him.

Suddenly the man's face changed, as if his eyes had lost all life in them, and he shifted a little on the metal chair before he began.

- You know what, whoever killed that bitch must have enjoyed it. He punched and punched and then one punch to the head and the skull cracked like a melon. Then he continued with a few more punches because it felt good. - a frown appeared on their face.

The detective's gut turned when he heard the gruesome words of confession from this monster. Disgusted looks could be seen on the two's faces, and at that moment Taehyung spoke.

- You see, we didn't say where the punch was. Thanks for the confession. Take him. - the last words were spoken louder so that the police officers in front could hear them.

They immediately entered the interrogation room and brought out the man with handcuffs, who had just closed the seven-month-old case with his horrible confession.


...to be continued...

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