11. Knees🔥

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At first glance it seemed like Jungkook wasn't nervous. He was troubled by a vague boundary in his behavior.

Everyone who watched him walk with his head held high towards the head detective's office was convinced that he was handling well with the whole situation and the future consequences.

He seemed calm on the surface, but a real war was being waged inside the man. His emotions chased him insatiably, anger engulfed him all over, sending unpleasant tingles down his spine.

Jungkook was thinking about all the possible outcomes of that unplanned meeting with Taehyung. In the next few minutes he had to think of what to say to the elder. He had to find an answer for raving so suddenly and rashly about total stupidity.

And he couldn't help but wonder if the moment had come when they would have to mention situation from the club again, from which Jungkook escaped thanks to the older detective and his determination to search and rescue him.

It was too hard for Jungkook to imagine that he had to go back to the source of his anger and the moment he felt so paralyzed and helpless that he couldn't react adequately.

Will Tae remind him how he lay used on the dirty floor of the stuffy club, crying and passed out?

Will he conclude on his own that trauma was the trigger for that inappropriate blow to the policeman?

- Can I say something first before you start? - he asked when he opened Taehyung's office without knocking and slammed the door shut with a loud bang.

There was no time for greetings and secret tears in front of the office.

There was neither time nor desire for that.

Anger still dominated the younger and he didn't want to remain incomprehensible.

- Please. - the elder said in a calm tone when he got up from his armchair and slowly walked towards the place where Jungkook was standing.

- I know I crossed the line when I hit that son of a bitch and I accept without question everything you're going to do with me, but I have unfinished business here, Tae.

- Does it have anything to do with the Park family? - asked the older one, who was two steps closer to the younger one.

- Yes. I promised their son, Justin, that I would appear at the court hearing. And all the suspects will be there. - Jungkook finally managed to look into the dark orbs of the other detective. He almost jumped back when he noticed how closely Taehyung was standing, almost in his personal space.

- Is it known when the hearing is?

- Yes, but I hardly found out. The city puts such notices in places where people cannot see them. Such as on some inconspicuous site or telephone pole. - Jungkook's anger worked even more when he remembered how Hoseok accidentally reminded him that such things were usually always hidden, that's why he remembered to look at all the neglected places.

- Capitalism opens many doors. - Taehyung finally looked away from the younger. Jungkook had the impression that he was somewhere deep in thought, he quickly followed up.

- Tell that to people who are left homeless!

- You have to be careful, Jungkook, so as not to create a conflict of interest. - the elder warned him.

- I will, I promise. Did I delve deep into with internal control? - he asked that, feeling the long and thin fingers of the older man playing with his locks. Jungkook backed away a little, looking with dreamy eyes in wonder at the action of his former lover.

• Under pressure • [ Taekook ]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant