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Hearing voices in the distance caught my attention but I chose to keep my eyes closed, hoping to get just a few more minutes of extra sleep. Until the squishy thing I was laying on was ripped out from under my head and landed on the floor with a loud thud. Instantly I shot up and looked to the ground to see Eddie hovering over Jerry with a raised fist. "Eddie what are you doing!" I shouted out of fear that he was going to hit Jerry. Eddie looked over at me before looking back at Jerry who was holding his hands up at this point. "Is there a reason in why the woman who I just started seeing is all cozied up with Jerry on the couch?" Eddie was clearly upset. I have never seen this side of Eddie before. The jealous side. Eddie may have come off as the perfect man but at the end of the day he was only human and it was showing clear as day right now.

Jerry waved his hands in hope that Eddie would lower his fist. "Dude nothing happened I swear. Shit, she is still yours man. No offense Lennon." Jerry stuttered a bit. Chris came running out of his room after hearing me yell, seeing Eddie pinning a scared Jerry to the floor. Chris couldn't help but laugh, "What are you doing?" Eddie looked confused in why Chris found the situation funny. "Jerry was fucking cuddled up with Lennon on the damn couch. What you mean what am I doing?" Eddie didn't understand why his actions were the one in question. Chris waved his hand at the two. "Man let him up. Jerry is harmless towards Lennon." Chris continued to snicker at his buddies. Eddie looked down at Jerry and lowered his fist, "You sure about that?"

Chris made his way towards the kitchen to see what we had to eat as he passed a very confused Stevie, she must of been the one to let Eddie inside the apartment. "Yeah, he is like a stray cat. Once you feed him, he never leaves." Bent over with his head inside the fridge. Eddie finally looked to me once again as he started to calm down. I felt like I needed to explain, apart of me felt like I owed it to Eddie. "I am sorry that you found us the way you did, we must of passed out after staying up talking about a few of his up coming shows. I promise nothing happened Eddie." Biting my lip, hoping that he believed me. I took a chance and stretched my hand out to his. A sigh of relief had left me when he accepted my hand, allowing me to touch him.

Eddie tugged my hand that was held in his, pulling me up from the couch and into his space. Taking my hand, he placed it against his chest where I could feel his heart beating fast, had seeing me with Jerry really affect him that much? I could see the sense of relief that this was all a misunderstanding in his eyes, he almost looked embarrassed. Poor Eddie. I placed my hand along his cheek, stepping close till our foreheads touched. "I am sorry Lennon. Apart of me just lost it when I saw you laying with him. Should only be me." While Eddie was apologizing, I could hear the double meaning in what he was saying and I couldn't correct him on it either. It should only be him that lays with me. "I am sorry Eddie. I am sorry in putting you in that situation and for the hurt that it had caused you." Trying to form my own apology.

Jerry got up from the floor and brushed his clothes straight. Eddie pulled away slightly and looked to his friend, Jerry waved his hand when Eddie went to speak. "I get it man. No need to apologize. If I had a woman like Lennon and saw what you did, I would've done the very same. Don't apologize for protecting what matters to you." He shot Eddie a genuine smile which meant all was forgiven between the two. Jerry was a good man. Eddie listened to the advice and left it at that. Turning to look back at me I could see he was back to his normal self, causing me to finally smile up at him. Eddie leaned in, nuzzling the side of my face before laying a gentle kiss to my forehead, squeezing my hand in his the whole time. This was his way to show me that I did in fact matter to him and I gladly accepted it.

"Come with me to practice?" Eddie mumbled against my forehead before pulling back to look down at me, trying to see my expression. How could I deny this man? I nodded and smiled once again. I found myself wanting to be around Eddie as much I was allowed. Picturing that maybe I'd be lucky to share a space with him one day and never have to go one minute without hearing his voice or seeing his face. Gosh, was this love that I was feeling? We had just started seeing each other, I can't already be in love with Eddie already. Like true Chris form, he had to open his mouth.

State of Love and Trust |Eddie VedderWhere stories live. Discover now