Hello, Seattle

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It was only days ago when a voice from my childhood friend calls me up and invites me to come visit. We both shared a passion for music and in his honest opinion, Seattle was where it was happening and I was missing out.

So naturally I took up the offer and here I was, sitting at the San Diego airport, waiting for my flight that was bound for the city where I was born. Luckily I had Stevie coming with. Stevie and I clicked after my Aunt and I moved from Seattle to California, ever since we had been attached to the hip.

"I am going to miss you so much." Jamie confessed. I smiled up at my boyfriend, hoping that my smile alone could reassure him. "I am only going to be gone for a month Jamie. Then I will be back!" I couldn't help but giggle a little at his clinginess. Jamie and I started dating when I was a sophomore and he was a senior, taking our relationship very slow. You know, the typical high school sweethearts. Stevie on the other hand couldn't help but find our relationship a bit ridiculous, Jamie was a gorgeous man who could have any woman he wanted, yet we had only ever kissed.

Jamie didn't believe in sex till marriage and I had to kind of respect that in him. 6 years and I was still waiting. This trip to Seattle was what I needed though, I was desperate to change things up and distract myself from the boring life I was living. While Jamie believed in the traditional white picket fence, I wanted more and that is where music came in for me. I was raised listening to everything. From The Who to The Rollingstones. Personally, I was a bit obsessed with The Cure. Jamie accepted my answer and leaned down to place an innocent kiss to my lips.

I turned to face my Aunt Laura, a beauty at the age of 55. Aunt Laura was my Father's sister and when he dropped me off on her front steps, she took me in and raised me herself. It was her that named me Lennon because she was a huge Beatles fan. I loved my name. Where was my mother during all this? Well she died during childbirth, so I never knew who she was. I am honestly thankful for my Aunt and had a normal childhood growing up, I was pretty easy going.

"Promise to call me everyday! Remind Chris that I know his parents and if he doesn't have you calling me, then I will personally reach out to them." I laughed at my Aunt's attempt at threatening. I am so lucky to have her in my life. "Aunt Laura, calm down." Giggling when her seriousness started to break, a smile slipping to the surface. "I cannot promise he has a phone line but I will do my best to find a pay phone and call to check in. Scouts honor." I jokingly held up three fingers, knowing that I never even once attended Girl Scouts growing up. "Oh shut up." My Aunt Laura rolled her eyes before smacking my hand down. We both laughed before throwing our arms around each other. Won't lie, I was going to miss her.

Our flight number was called, letting us know that it was time to board. Gosh, I haven't been this nervous since graduating high school. I grabbed my backpack and met Stevie by the gate, turning to wave Jamie and my Aunt goodbye. I pulled my camera out when we finally sat in our assigned seating. "Smile!" I leaned towards Stevie who through up a peace sign before the click. "You nervous?" Stevie questioned as she bent down to put her own backpack under her seat. I took a deep breath and dramatically released it. "A little but this is going to be an adventure for us. I needed an excuse to get out of San Diego for a bit. So Chris called at the right time." Answering her question.

The flight went smoothly. We sat and talked a bit till Stevie passed out. I couldn't pass the opportunity to take a picture of her in all her glory. Sometimes it didn't pay to be the first one to pass out. The sunny weather of California soon turned into the gloomy clouds of Seattle. Just how I remembered it.

Stevie woke up the moment the plane touched the tarmac. Lucky for us, we didn't come with very much and so collecting our things wouldn't be too complicated. "So you said your friend Chris will be here to pick us up?" Stevie asked as she scanned the airport for any indication of him. I nodded my head while looking around myself, "Yeah...oh there he is!" I excitedly pointed. Was easy that Chris was tall because he stood out among the crowd. The moment my eyes connected with his, we both began to wave frantically.

State of Love and Trust |Eddie VedderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat