sudden call

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It's been so many days I wrote this story as I was busy with personal issues.

Here is an update. Enjoy 😊


It's been days kuma came to me after disappear. As I became very busy with  ongoing concerts and practices , endorsements. But still I remembered the doll face girl so I appointed one person to stalk her every moment.

       So I will get updates whenever I free I will check them. She's really an amazing person she is kind and approachable person. She visits so many places and ask around if she can take their pics. She's so cute I am deeply falling in love with her. But at the same time i am sad that she's having boyfriend.

         My band mates already asking why my moods are changing and they are asking these days I am using my phone regularly. But I don't reveal them ofcourse because I dint ought myself that I am bi I don't know how they will react. But I know they won't judge me.

           I don't know why lisa still dint contact me uffff this girl is really very stubborn. She could have been contacted me so we could have become friends or u know I can guess preference for relationship also.

            As today is my free time as I was thinking I heard my phone ringing. I don't know why I am feeling some bad is going to happening I can feel that suddenly I got call to my private no which is not saved I only gave this no to only few people which are saved already but hesitantly I lifted the phone. I was shocked and got panic then I called my members jisoo and Rosie they came soon


Will see why Jennie became panic in the next chapter

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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