That mysterious friend and twin

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Jungkook pov:

Finally author gave some face to me tsk. Hey I am the author here I know when to introduce if u give trouble to me then I will skip ur introduction till to end of the story 😏.

No no don't get angry you are my favorite author give permission to introduce my self. Ok go ahead.

Hi this is jungkook call me kookie not cookies hahhah. Ha I know I don't look like thai because I am not we just migrated to Thailand because of my father who just got job there.

Me and Lisa are best friends we are like twins. We can't be seperated. We always think same you know same braincells hahha. Everyone thinks we are couple but no we are just like twins who can always on have strong back-up to each other.

I am a dance teacher I love dancing from childhood that's my passion like me( author) I want to be an artist author no one asked you what's your passion don't interfere I am in flow you know don't stop 😏 hmm where am I?

So it's my passion so me and Lisa she want's to be a photographer we decided to chase our dreams and wants to fulfill and wants to set the careers in Korea.

So we asked the permission of our parents they said we should be in same apartment living together. Then only we accepts. So here we are in the same roof.

Lisa brought a little dog to home. It's really cute when I am close it's growling. Hahah it's only less than 20 minutes it became over protective or obsessed with Lisa. So I was teasing like annoying the dog hahah I am liking it.

So I said good night to Lisa and went to sleep. Because I am a fitness freak I will go run for every morning at 5 am to be fit.

I woke up and went for run and getting back to apartment but I saw a car which is tinted with glasses but I know someone is there but still I ignored it and I saw 2 bodyguards are taking dog so I want to annoy that dog again I kissed on cheek of lisa it growling hahhah. So they took dog and me and Lisa went inside.

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