There goes her second pledge to the same person.

The observing cat-like girl leaned on an arm from support as she watched Minjeong begin with the cooking of the meat. The way her back moved so finely against the soft fabricated uniform. Her fingers creating art in the form of food. Karina wandered what else Minjeong's fingers could do.

"It doesn't say how long to warm the rice for."

The beauty snapped her attention to Minjeong's soft face and down to the blue package of cooked rice in her all too feminine hands.

"Let me see that baby."


"I said, let me see that bag."

Karina couldn't believe how innocent Minjeong was as she obeyed without hesitation. It was adorable like her representation of a puppy.

"It says three minutes."

The girl handed it back to the cook's hands but felt her cheeks flame up in a rosy blush as she felt her long fingers on the back of her hand.

"Thank you."

Karina watched her little puppy servant continue with the meal preparation until she finally finished, without burning the kitchen down.

"See? The room is still intact." Karina smiled at the same time Minjeong placed a plate of the rice in front of her, proud and content smile on her face.

"You should smile more," The Yu stated without a moment to think with a fork in the searing meat,

"It's cute."

Minjeong couldn't contain her blush for the life of her because she turned away from Karina with shy embarrassment.

"Don't turn away. Eat with me."

With the vague command, Minjeong immediately obeyed and took the second meal which lightly startled Karina from the girl's quick non hesitant reaction. Next thing she knew, Minjeong was on the other side of the marble table, devouring the food she had created which set Karina off mildly,

"Wow, you're hungry." She paused a moment to look at the girl who was inhaling the rice,

"Do you eat well?"

Minjeong looked up from her plate, into Karina's mesmerizing eyes and back down at the dish that was almost empty. She quickly chewed and swallowed the kimchi and sighed,

"Not really."


The brown haired woman looked up once more at the curious cat eyes and with a bite of her lip responded to the girl's question,

"I just get placed on so many shifts. By the time I'm off, I pass out. I usually just eat scarps off people's plates for snacks."

Karina stared at her in shock. How a person was driven to so much exhaust where they had to eat like a hungry animal? It disgusted her. It angered her. She slammed the wooden chopsticks on the white rock a little too sharply which caused the hungry girl to flinch back.

"Do you mind telling me who's your boss?"

Minjeong swallowed, "I-I don't think that's a good idea... H-he's a busy a private m-man."

"Well, when a customer complains, he must listen, correct?"

The puppy nervously nodded but with quick hesitation,

"I still d-don't think it's a good idea Karina."

Karina stood up, her blood boiling with a walk to the door, "I don't care. I'll get my father then to speak to h-"

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