Volume 2 - Chapter 1

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The first week of school was almost over. It was a sunny Saturday afternoon and Izuku was in his last period of class, homeroom. Mt. Lady had just walked in and took seat at the teacher's desk. "Alright everyone, listen up!"

To be honest, to Izuku Mt. Lady didn't seem like the type of person to be a teacher but after having had her for multiple classes this week he disregarded that opinion. He wasn't saying she was the best, but definetly not the worst compared to a previous teacher of his. It made Izuku chuckle to himself remembering how All Might read the instructions from a card in his first ever class. How he missed those times..

But Mt. Lady was different from All Might. She was more prepared then him and she was able to keep her students under control. Even though sometimes she would slip up and act like a teen herself, but still a decent teacher!

Mt. Lady lazily put her legs on the desk and started speaking. "As you all know your internships are continuing tomorrow. The principal asked me to remind you just in case, so no sleeping in tomorrow!" Izuku looked confused at her. This was the first time he had ever heard of that. He looked around him to his classmates, and as to seeing their expression it was clear they hadn't heard of it either.

"What do you mean with that Takeyama-Sensei?" Kendo asked as she got up from her chair. Mt. Lady groaned as she spun around in her chair a few times. "Just like I said, you all have to go back to your internships tomorrow. How can young adults be so stupid sometimes?" She mumbled that last part but Izuku picked it up, as did Monoma.

"Look old hag-" Monoma started as he got up from his chair. Mt. Lady abruptly stopped spinning. "Hey! I'm not old!"

Monoma simply ignored her. "This is the first time I've ever heard of this." He walked to the front of the class and spoke to his classmates. "Did you guys hear of this?" There was a collective no. Monoma turned to Mt. Lady with a smirk on his face. "And who was supposed to tell us this beforehand?" He asked.

Mt. Lady looked away from the blonde boy. "I was.." She mumbled. "What was that?" Monoma taunted. Mt. Lady jumped up from her chair. "I was supposed to tell you all but I forgot to do so okay!? I'm sorry!"

Monoma shrugged as he started walking back to his seat. "I don't care about apologies, but don't go acting all high and mighty." A few people chuckled as Mt. Lady just pouted at Monoma.

Izuku chuckled as well. Like he said, she was a decent teacher but shs still had a long way to go to become a responsible one as well.

Soon after class got dismissed and one by one everyone left the classroom until it was just Izuku and Mt. Lady. Izuku got up from his seat and walked over to his teacher. When he arrived at her desk she looked up at him from her phone.

"Hey handsome~ can I help you?" Mt. Lady said seductively as she went and sat down on her desk. For some reason Mt. Lady would always tease Izuku and sadly it was still effective because Izuku felt his cheeks heat up a little. "Yes ma'am. Since I'm back in Japan for only 3 weeks now I haven't started looking for an internship."

Mt. Lady's eyes widened. "Oh my, that's right!" She clasped her hands and smiled at him. "Then you get to intern with me tomorrow! Isn't that amazing?" She said as she poked Izuku in his side.

"Uhm..." Izuku wasn't too sure if he wanted that, but was there any way to find an internship before the day was over? Probably not. Sadly there wasn't any other way. Izuku grabbed his phone and clicked on his agenda. "Sssssure.. when and where?"

Mt. Lady leaned over his shoulder to look at his phone until all of a sudden. "Hey!" She grabbed it out of Izuku's hands. "What was that for?!"

She ignored him and started tapping away on the screen. After a few seconds she handed it back to him. "Here you go." Izuku looked down at his screen to see he had received a message.

"You have my number now, I'll text you the details later today!" Mt. Lady said as she smiled at him mischievously. "I also send you my adress so if you want to hang out feel free to come over whenever!"

Izuku's cheeks heated up even more. She had actually send him her adress! Mt. Lady started laughing at his reaction. "Ah, you're just too much fun greenie!" "You seriously lack some professionalism!" Izuku yelled out embarrassed. Mt. Lady just shrugged it off. "You're at the age of consent so who really cares. We can always keep it a secret as well."

She leaned over to him and whispered in his ear. "So if you want to we can have a go at it." By now Izuku's face was completely red. He straightened his posture and tightened the grip on his bag. "Alright, that's it!" And with that he walked out of the classroom, leaving his cackling sensei behind.

As he walked out of the building he thought to himself. 'I'm getting back at her one day for sure!'

The next day arrived quickly. Like she had promised Mt. Lady had sent the address of her agency and the time Izuku should be there. It was 8AM now and he was well on time. As Izuku opened the two doors to the building he got greeted by a secretary who pointed him towards the right door.

Izuku knocked a few times before hearing his Sensei's voice saying he could enter. "Good morning ma'am, please go easy on me today." Izuku said as he opened the door and walked in.

"Wha- it's you!?" Izuku heard someone yell. He quickly looked around the room and once again got met those beautiful golden irises he saw at the start of the week. Izuku awkwardly waved at her. "H- hey there.." he once again made contact with Ashido, but this time there was no escaping. This day couldn't get any worse already.

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