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Fourth's final year of high school was a tough ride, especially with the coming pressure of university looming over his head. Just when he thought things couldn't get any worse, along came Gemini, the handsome and popular guy in school. Gemini didn't take kindly to being second best, especially when Fourth always seemed to steal the spotlight. Gemini turned into Fourth's worst nightmare, becoming the bully who made his life miserable. Every day, Fourth had to endure physical beatings at the hands of Gemini. It was like a dark cloud hanging over him, overshadowing everything else.

Fourth felt like he was constantly walking on eggshells, never knowing when Gemini would strike next. It was a stark contrast to the person Gemini used to be unrecognizable, twisted by jealousy and bitterness.

Despite all the pain and suffering, Fourth held on, clinging to the hope that things would get better.

Gemini's transformation was so drastic that he became unrecognizable to those who once knew him. He used to be a good student, always following the rules and doing well in his studies. But now, he's turned into a troublemaker, doing all sorts of things that nobody expected from him. It's like he's a completely different person.

The severe beatings Fourth endured made it tough for him to concentrate on his studies. He found himself either stuck at home, recovering from the injuries, or making frequent trips to the hospital. With his body bruised, studying became the last thing on his mind.


In that dim, empty classroom, I was alone in the classroom with Gemini approaching after everyone else had left.

''Who gave you that nasty bruise? It must have hurt...''
Gemini's mocking tone echoed off the walls as he made fun of me about my bruised arm, his words dripping with sarcasm. Despite the pain, I mustered the courage to speak up, refusing to be silent by such a person.
''A fucking asshole if you ask me. What do you want?''

Gemini came closer so that were now face to face. "You think you're so tough? With that pathetic bruised arm of yours?"

"At least I don't go around picking fights just to feel superior."

"Oh please, you're just jealous because I'm better than you in everything." Gemini mocked.

I rolled my eyes, "Keep telling yourself that, Gemini. Maybe one day you'll actually believe it."

"You're such a fucking pathetic person, Fourth. No wonder nobody wants to be around you."

"And yet here you are, all alone with me in this empty classroom. Funny how that works, huh?" I smirked.

But Gemini's anger flared, and he cruelly squeezed my bruised arm, causing me even more agony. With a sinister glare, Gemini threatened, "You better learn to keep your mouth shut if you know what's good for you. Think twice before talking back to me. You don't want things to get even uglier, do you?'' I felt fear grip his heart as Gemini's words hung heavy in the air.


In the dimly lit hospital room, Fourth lay on his bed, his body aching with pain. His mother sat beside him, gently feeding him, her worry deeply on her face.

"Please, Fourth, let me seek help," she pleaded, her voice trembling with concern.

Fourth winced as he felt a sharp pang shoot through his back, especially along his spine. "No, Mom," he muttered weakly, shaking his head. "I'm okay. It's not that bad."

Tears welled up in his mother's eyes as she watched her son in agony, unable to bear the thought of him suffering alone. "But, honey, you're in so much pain," she whispered, her voice cracking with emotion. "I can't just sit here and do nothing."

Anger flashed in Fourth's eyes as he turned his face away, groaning softly. "I said I'm fine, Mom," he snapped, his frustration evident. "I just want to sleep for now."

His mother's heart broke at his words, but she knew she couldn't force him to accept help if he wasn't ready. With a heavy sigh, she nodded, wiping away her tears as she leaned in to kiss his forehead. "Okay, sweetheart, I'll be right here if you need me."

Throughout the night, she kept a watch, her eyes never straying from his face, her heart aching with every whimper of pain that escaped his lips. She wished she could ease his suffering, to make everything right again. But in that moment, all she could do was offer him her love and support, hoping that it would be enough to see him through the darkness. As the first light of dawn filtered through the window, Fourth stirred from his restless slumber, his face still etched with pain. His mother reached out to him, her touch gentle and comforting. "Are you feeling any better, sweetheart?"

"Yeah," he murmured. "I think I'll be okay."

"Mom, when can we go home now?"

His mother hesitated, her eyes filled with concern. "Not too soon, sweetheart," she replied gently. "You need to rest and recover."

Fourth's frustration bubbled over as he listened to his mother's gentle words. "But, I can't stay here!"
"I'm failing so many classes already. I can't afford to fall behind even more."

His mother's heart sank at the desperation in his voice, knowing all too well the weight of his scholarly struggles. "I understand, honey," she replied, her tone soothing. "But your health is the most important thing right now. We'll figure out a way to catch up on your studies once you're feeling better."

Tears welled up in Fourth's eyes as he shook his head, the fear of falling behind nibbling at him. "But what if I never catch up?" he whispered, his voice barely audible. "What if I never make it to university?"

His mother reached out to him, wrapping him in a comforting embrace. "We'll find a way, Fourth," she whispered, her voice filled with determination. "I promise you, we'll find a way."

And as they sat together in the quiet of the hospital room, Fourth found comfort in his mother's arms, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, as a family.

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