Slender Brothers x Abandoned Lamia Child Reader

Start from the beginning

Still, he always promised one thing. If they ever needed help that he would always be there. No matter the issue they could call him. They hadn't, but the offer would still always be there. It was important to Splendor that all of the kids stayed okay.

"I don't know. I can only count to seven," Y/N tells him. "But more than that."

"Did you ever lose track?" Splendor presses, already knowing the answer.

"Couple times!" Y/N says with an innocent smile. "But I did get to seven!"

"Yea, very good. You've done a good job," Splendor assures them.

"I did?! Will you tell mommy? When she comes back of course," Y/N explains.

"Sure, I'll tell her," Splendor says gently, shrugging when his brothers glare at him.

What else was he supposed to say?! He couldn't just break news like that before the child was cared for! When they return to Splendor's mansion he's surprised when his brothers offer to help with the kids. Mainly Y/N. He figured they were curious how the whole thing would turn out as well. Splendor gives Y/N a bath and feeds them dinner, amazed at how polite and agreeable they are.

"So, do you have a favorite animal?" Splendor asks as he brushes their hair. They'd clearly been neglected for a while as it was rather long.

"Not really," They tell him with a shrug of their shoulders.

"Why not?" Splendor presses gently.

"I.....don't like being called an animal," Y/N mumbles as they fidget with their hands.

"Did your mommy do that a lot?" He presses gently.

"Snakes aren't bad but I know more than a snake does! I can talk!" Y/N huffs out. "I don't like being called an animal."

"Alright. Alright. No animals then. Is there something you would like?" Splendor asks them gently. "Anything at all."

Splendor half regrets those words when they come out of his mouth. The child could decide they wanted their mommy and he doesn't have a solution to that one! They were already so fragile he didn't want to hurt them more! He's just surprised they haven't broken down yet because if it were him he'd be a crying mess! Still, he had to stay strong for the child and assure them they were safe and okay.

"Anything?" Y/N asks, their eyes wide as they look up at Splendor.

"Yes," Splendor assures, his breath catching in his throat at Y/N's response.

"Can it be you?" Y/N asks with a tilt of their head. "You can be my present!"

"M-Me?!" Splendor stammers out.

"Yeah. You're super nice," Y/N says. "I wanna stay until mommy comes back. Is that okay?"

"Y/N," Splendor breathes.

Y/N looks up at him, their eyes full of innocence and hope. He can't just dash their dreams but eventually they were going to have to be told. He looks at his brothers who all give him sympathetic looks. He was on his own with this one. He's done it many times but it doesn't get any easier each time.

"She's not coming back," Y/N suddenly says, looking up at Splendor before resting their head on his shoulder. "I just......feel better thinking she'll come back."

"I'm sorry. I'm sure you've known this a while," Splendor remarks. "Here we are. Let's get you a bath and a more filling meal."

Y/N is agreeable to everything Splendor asks them to do. They're amazed when they look in the mirror after their bath, admiring how shiny and clean the scales of their bottom snake half is. Splendor helps them into a shirt for their top half before he takes them downstairs where the other kids are waiting. Y/N hides behind Splendor but does get through introductions.

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