Chapter 51

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I woke up later than I usually would and smelled something burning

I sit up and Gavi is not next to me and I realize the smell must have something to do with Gavi

I get up and go put on sweatpants before walking down the stairs and seeing Gavi fanning smoke away with a towel

"Good morning to you" I say walking into a kitchen to open a window to let the smoke out

"Good morning and happy birthday." He says turning on a fan aswell

"Care to explain what's going on?" I ask him grinning

"Well I was trying to make breakfast, then I forgot I left the eggs on the stove so they burnt. Pretty bad actually" he shrugs

"I appreciate the gesture, if you want you can go change and we can grab something quick from a cafe. I know a place" I propose as he nods

"Excellent, just give me a minute" he says before quickly runs up the stair as I look on my phone and check instagram

After about 5 minutes Gavi comes running back down the stairs

"Alright I'm ready" he says walking over and giving me a kiss

"Great, now come on" I say grabbing his arm and walking outside in the direction of the car

He gets in the drivers seat and I get in the passenger seat before my phone rings with a call

It's my mom calling, she most likely with my dad and they are calling to say happy birthday

"ciao Mari buon compleanno" my mom exclaims as I answer the phone

"grazie mamma, papà è con te?" I ask her and she answers yes before handing the phone to my father

"Ciao Bella come stai?" He asks as I smile at the comment

"Sto bene, sto andando a fare colazione" I answer him

"con Gavi?" He asks

"si con Gavi" i respond and smile as Gavi whips his neck and  looks at me confused

I wave him off as my father continues speaking

"sai che non l'abbiamo mai incontrato. dovresti portarlo presto" my father suggests

"Dovrei chiedergli quando è libero ma sicuro" I tell him

"oh sì, finalmente abbiamo riparato il motore della barca, quindi ora devi tornare" my father say's excitedly

"certo papà, restituisci il telefono alla mamma. Ti amo" I say as he gives the phone back to my mother

"Devo andare mamma, ma ti scriverò più tardi" I propose to her

"certo tesoro, ti amo e di nuovo buon compleanno"she says before hanging up

"What about me?" Gavi asks

"My dad just asked if I was with you right now" I simply say

He nods and we park outside of the cafe

"So, are you feeling any different, 21 is a big birthday" he asks me

"I feel the exact same as I felt when I went to sleep last night" I say before ordering just a coffee

He orders and we move to the other counter to pick up the order

"Your not going to get food?" He asks as I look up from my phone

Just smile- Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now