Chapter 31

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Gavi pov:

Pedri and I decided to come to Monaco for the race weekend just as we did last year. While walking into the paddock we met up with our teammate Marcos Alonso

"We have Ferrari garage passes today" pedri says to me as we enter the paddock

"Ferrari? Did you do that on purpose?" I ask him and scoff

"Look buddy she was my friend too, just because you don't want to hear her out doesn't mean I don't want her to hear me out" pedri says in a harsh tone

"Whatever, I'm going to go talk to the engineers" I say and break off from him and go do exactly what I said I was going to do

As I was talking to the engineer who's name was Xavi I saw mason come around the side of the car and to my shock Amara came up next to him an began walking with him

She came over and stopped and I was ready once again for the akward conversation and she once again ignored my existence and instead wished Xavi luck and left with mason

"Did you see that" i whisper to pedri rejoining him on the other side of the garage

"I mean you can't expect her to be thrilled about seeing you after how you ended things" pedri says

"But was she doing with mason, he cheated on her why would she be with him at all" i protest

"He just asked to talk to her and I'm pretty sure the only reason she accepted was because she didn't want to speak to me either" he huffs

"This is just dramatic at this point" i scoff and roll my eyes

Amara pov:

As I make my way up the stairs of the paddock club with mason I run into Esteban

"Hey Mari, im glad to see you" he says and hugs me

"Im happy to see you aswell, good luck this weekend I hope it goes about the same as last year" I say and smile warmly at him

"Thank you mari, I'll see you tomorrow right?" He asks

"Bright and early" I exclaim as he smiles before walking down and I assume to the Alphine garage

"Bright and early" mason asks as we sit down at a table

"Yeah I'm doing an interview tomorrow morning with all the drivers and he's the first one on my list" I say

"Okay so I'm just going to cut straight to the chase, I know what I did was wrong and you definitely never deserved that and I'm really sorry. Me being drunk wasn't an excuse then and it's not an excuse now, but I truly am sorry" he explains softly

I honestly did want to forgive him because I knew that he was going out of his way to apologize when he could have just put it in a text

"It's okay mason, I've moved past it. I know you were drunk so you weren't exactly in the right mind, but you still have to understand cheating is still cheating even if you were drunk" I sigh

"I know, I'm not expecting you to start dating me again but I hope we can just be friends again" he says

"I would like that actually" I say a smile

"Thank you for hearing me out Amara" he says and stands up to give me a hug

"Thank you for apologizing, I know it takes a lot to talk to someone who isn't willing to talk to you" I say to him and hug him back

"Well I should get going, I'll see you tomorrow though" he says

"See you" I say and smile at him

I walk down to the Ferrari garage to check and see if warren was there

"Have you seen warren?" I ask Carlos

"I think I saw him at the Aston garage" he responds

"Great, well I'll see you tomorrow, get some rest" I say and hug Carlos

"See you Amara" he says as I exit

" finally there you are" Charles say's approaching me with warren

"We've been looking for you" warren says

"Are you ready to go?" I ask him as he nods

"See you tomorrow Charles" I say and hug him

"Bye mar" he says and walks back into the garage

At last I was home in my bed after the events of the day

I was less than thrilled that Gavi and pedri would be at my favorite weekend of the year

But I was happy that mason and I made up

"So you and mason are good?" Warren ask's sitting next to me

"Yeah I think" i respond

"Well that's good, makes it less akward for you right?" He says and laughs

"Yeah, oh shoot that reminds me your coming to the club with us after qualifying because your finally old enough" I say and smile

"Woop" he cheers

"Okay get out of my room I'm going to sleep" I tell him and he rolls his eyes

"Sleep tight" he says and leaves

Just smile- Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now