Chapter 21

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"Okay miss lily, do you want to go to the beach or do you want to just go explore" I ask her

"Beach beach beach" she shrieks

"Okay let's go get a sweatshirt for you and we'll go I say and take her to change
It was winter and it wasn't necessarily cold but I wasn't hot enough to swim

"Okay let's go get a sweatshirt for you and we'll go I say and take her to change It was winter and it wasn't necessarily cold but I wasn't hot enough to swim

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Amarabianchi- all hail my new queen

Liked by: pedri, jkeey4,landonorris and 492,082 others


Lorielei.osorio- your my queen
^liked by creator^

Charles_leclerc- where's my invite lorielei🙄
^Lorielei.osorio- you were invited your just racing this weekend 🤨^

Pablogavi- when she's good with kids>>

User4- I'm crying at landos response


User20- lando😭
^landonorris- I had to be different^


I'm walking back from the beach with lily when we pass and ice cream shop

"Aunt marii pleaseee I want ice cream" she begs tugging on my sweatshirt

"Okay but if I get you ice cream you can't tell your mom, okay" I ask her

She nods and we walk into the store


Wedding day 2
Today was the day of the rehearsal dinner and just a general briefing for the bridal party

Until then I volunteered to take care of lily and Ana

The two 3 year old girls for a good 4 hours

It was fine because I was honestly really good with kids and I didn't mind it.

"Our savior" lorielei says as I walk into the venue hall where her and her maid of honor;Cordelia were standing with lily and Ana

"I just had to pump myself with coffee, so what do you want me to do with them for the next few hours?" I ask

"Honestly whatever, but the rehearsal dinner starts at 5 so can you just get them dressed and bring them down at 4:30 ish?" Lorielei asks

"Of course" I say

"Okay Ana, lily you guys are going to go with Mari for a little while and we will see you soon okay" Cordelia tells them kissing her daughter on the cheek

"Okay" Ana says cheerfully

"Thank you so much" Cordelia says hugging me

"Of course, you guys just do the wedding stuff I got this" I say

"We'll see you soon" lorielei says and waves us off

"Come on girls" I say and they both hold onto one of my hands

"So we can go to my hotel room for a few minutes so I can make a phone call then we will go get some lunch, does that sound good" I ask them

"Okay, I want chicken nuggets" lily says

"Okay baby" I say to her leading them to the elevator

Once we get back to my room I tell them to sit in my bed and I turn on Disney channel

"Okay girls I have to call my friend so I'm just going to turn the tv down a little is that okay" I say grabbing the remote

"Okay" Ana says totally in a trance

I laugh to myself and go onto the FaceTime app

I promised Gavi I would call him the previous night but I fell asleep

I click his name and it rings


"Hey" he says picking up the phone

"Hey, sorry I forgot to call you last night I feel asleep, the little monster tired me out" I say referring to lily

"Awh she was so cute" he says

"Yeah, also I have to little girls in the room right now so make sure you keep it PG" I say laughing

"I got it, so how are you?" He asks

Before I can answer I'm interrupted by lily

"Aunt Mari are you talking to a boy" lily asks getting out of the bed and walking over to the desk

"Yes I am, here you can say hi" I tell her picking her up and putting her on my lap

"Hello" she yells into the phone

"Hey there cutie" he says smiling

"My name is lily, I'm three years old. Who are you?" She asks him

I give her a high five for introducing herself so properly at such a young age

"Well I'm Gavi, I'm your aunts friend" he says

"Nice to meet you" she says smiling into the camera

"Nice to meet you aswell" he says

"Aunt Mari I'm going back to the bed, but hurry up I want chicken nuggets" she says with wide eyes laughing

"Of course baby" I say smiling back at her and she runs back to the bed

"Well I'm on a tight schedule you heard the lady. But how are you?" I ask him

"I'm good, I just finished training, so now I'm just resting for the game" he says

"No training tomorrow?" I ask him

"Not tomorrow, we do like stretching stuff pre match but that doesn't really count" he says

"Ah, well I'm excited to see the game" I say

"I'm excited to see you" he says

"Not for the match?" I ask laughing

"I mean yeah , but we play a million of these matches I don't get to see you often" he says softly

"We'll rest assured I will be representing the kounde jersey loud and proud" I say laughing

"Well I can't wait to see you, I'll let you go get chicken nuggets though but I'll see you soon" he says smiling

"Okay I'll see you" I say before hanging up

"Okay who wants chicken nuggets I say standing up

"We dooo" they shout and we all hustle out the door


Amarabianchi-via instagram stories———————

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Amarabianchi-via instagram stories

Just smile- Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now