Chapter 5

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"It's so hot" I exclaim as we step out of the studio we were shooting in

"Well it's Barcelona in June so it makes sense" Brielle says looking down at her phone

"What's happening on your phone" I ask he looking over her shoulder

"Jules said he could get us tickets for tonight's game in the family box" she says and smiles

"Great tell him thank you for me" I say as we walk down the street

"Do you want to grab something to eat" she asks pointing at a cafe across the road

"Sure let's go" I say

As we enter the cafe we go an order and then sit down and wait for our food

I go through my notifications for Instagram when I see that I had a new verified follower

I see the name pedri and I grow a sour face just thinking back to the night in the club with Gavi

I've never been a stranger to Football so I know who they all are but I still just think he behaved rudely and immaturely that night

I follow him back as I'm a nice person then put my phone down

"Are you excited to see your parents" I ask Brielle and she looks up from her phone

"Yeah, but I'm mostly excited to see Ajax and Bianca" she says

"Yeah, but I'm mostly excited to see Ajax and Bianca" she says

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Amarabianchi-via instagram stories


"Barf it's Gavi" I note to Brielle before the game began

"I don't even understand why you hate him so much" she says laughing

" he ruined my favorite heels, and never apologized but instead was rude about it" I say scoffing

"Mari Bianchi, always one to hold a grudge" Brielle laughs

"Anyway" I say glaring at her

" hey look Jules Is waving" she says smiling and waving back

I lightly wave at him aswell as he runs over

"Salut les étrangers" he says to us smiling

"tais-toi imbécile" I say back

"soyons tous gentils" Brielle cuts in

"tu m'as manqué mon frère" I say to him smiling

"moi aussi je me manquerais" he says and chuckles

"You know what I hope you have to run now" I say and roll my eyes as I see Gavi looking over at us from a distance

He begins walking over slowly so I decide to wrap things up and go back to my seat

"Good luck, you two are welcome to continue chatting but I need to go sit down" I say quickly

"Are you alright" Jules asks sounding concerned

"I'm good my legs are just tired so i need a break from standing" I say and smile before returning to my seat just as Gavi reaches Jules

He greets the both of them before saying something to Jules

I look down at my phone the whole time to avoid any form of contact

"Are you sure your okay?" Brielle asks sitting down

"Yeah it's just when shoots last longer that 3 hours my legs start to disagree with me" I say and laugh off any further suspicions Brielle may have

She nods and then the game kicks off


The game ends with the score being 3-0 Barcelona

Goals being scored by Lewandoski, Kessie and Gavi who got an amazing assist from Jules.

During his celebration he ran over to the family section and cheered in our direction as I was cheering not for him but for Jules and his lovely long range assist

I knew that would earn me some snarky words at the end of the match from The man Gavi himself and I proved myself correct as after talking with pedri and Jules after the match Gavi came up to me

"Can I talk with you alone for a moment" he asks me softly

I didn't want to be rude and I thought maybe I would get an apology so I accepted and followed him into a tunnel where he stopped

"So you couldn't stay away from me that long you flew all the way from Monaco to see me" he say's smirking

"Oh grow up, number one I have a job that's why I'm here and for the record I don't live in monaco" I say and scoff

"Well your job brings you to the city. But obviously I bring you to the games, listen it's okay to admit you miss me a lot of girls would" he says in a snobby tone moving closer to me slowly

"Listen up, I'm not one of the 14 year old fan girls that follows you around like a lost puppy. To be clear I do NOT like you. You piss me off, your rude and your immature" I say all in one huff

"Hey that's no-" he begins before I cut him off

"No stop let me get this through your thick skull. I do not like you alright, and before you bring up that cheering I was cheering for Jules which is the reason I'm at this game and he had a lovely assist. I'm not here for you nor will I ever be here to watch you, now if you'll excuse me I need to go back to the actual reason I'm here" I say and begin walking off

"It's okay I can play the long game for as long as it takes" he says after me

"Don't hold your breath" I call out

"I know you want me don't worry" he says after I exit the tunnel

"pequeña mierda" I curse loudly at him as I walk back


Salut les étrangers: hey strangers
"tais-toi imbécile: shut up fool
soyons tous gentils: lets all be nice
Tu m'as manqué mon frère: I've missed you bro
moi aussi je me manquerais: I would miss me too
Pequena mierda: little shit

Just smile- Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now