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 Before anyone starts reading this, I have to say that I haven't checked out this reaction fic for a really long time, as a result I lost my curiosity. This is just a translation of the draft I wrote before. Have a nice read and please ignore any mistakes. (I got so lazy that I used google translate and threw it away :(

The wounded were healed. Well, at least as much as it should be. The sun goddess had to work a little for this.

The children of Henituse County immediately went to see his family.Being in a war, and being at the center of that war, was a very scary experience. They didn't want to experience anything like that again.

Of course, the wounded hoped for this because they had no idea what was happening.Almost half of the Henituse district was here. Everyone told the events to those who did not know.

But of course, not everyone there was given the opportunity to watch. In fact, everyone inside was either high-ranking nobles, royal members, or a few Elves and dark elves. Only 7 people from the Whale tribe were there. The nobles were 5 from almost every kingdom. Only a few wizards and heroes were left behind.

Sitting on the villain's side were Clopeh, Syrem, the dragon hybrid, the leaders of the Bear and Lion tribes, Fredo and the other nobles of the 4 dark kingdoms, and White Star. And there were a few high-ranking ARM members as well.

After gathering, Violan and Deruth returned to their seats and went to sit next to Cale and his siblings, but Deruth almost had a heart attack when he learned that they would be sharing the same place with the dragons.

Fortunately, Mila explained why they did this before it was too late. To summarize, she said, 'your son is a delicious bread that those who survived the famine have seen after a long time.'After everyone took their seats, they continued to react.

Chapter 250: 3 Days (1)

A Dragon had died.

It wasn't a good introduction at all.

No, it had been murdered.

It was a terrible introduction.

"How ?!"



Dorori had never seen anything like this in her 14 years of life. In fact, it was better for her not to.Mila answered in the calmest voice she could.

"You shouldn't be looking at that, honey."

A voice inside her said that the dead dragon would be shown. She didn't want her child to be traumatized.

In fact, only three people there were old enough to be called children.

Basen, Lily and Dorory were sent to another room.

Rashel and Eruhaben had revealed the dragon's oppression.

There is no trace left of the happy environment from before.

A conversation passed through Cale's mind once he heard that fact. Eruhaben was thinking that Cale did not know about the relationship between Dragon Slayers and Dragons, however, he already knew about it.

"How do you know?"

All eyes suddenly turned to Cale. Eruhaben's cold voice was enough to make Cale tremble. He already felt something strange about this man. He had been thinking for a very long time about the possibility of him becoming a dragon slayer after all the power he had amassed. Even though he saw that his mother and father were normal people, Violan's or Deruth's hair color did not even match his. He wasn't even related to Violan by blood. This made him think about the possibility that his real mother was from a dragon slayer family. That was one reason why he sat next to him.

Tboah reactजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें