“Alright! I understand! Let's just get to your destination!” Sam said, trying not loose their hair.
Echo took hold of two bands. Slapping the bigger one of the two on their own arm and then the smaller one on Sam's. Echo proceeded to grab extras.

“I'll be back.” Echo promised and pressed a button. They were zapped away.

“What else can go wrong!” James hissed.

He was quickly slightly distracted as he saw quite a few different humans. The place was huge.

“This used to be a soccer stadium.” Richard said. Many humans were seen flying either by defying gravity or using wings. Some looked like mythologic animals like a harpy for example while others looked like hybrids. Each one having something different.

Some were normal humans. They walked, talked and did what any human did. They were almost everywhere.

Then finally, like the bird hybrids, there were different hybrids on the grassy side of the stadium.

Any land dwelling animal had some infusion with a human. There was Johnny they met earlier. He had a human face, but where his hairline started, the fur of the jaguar started. From the neck down, he was a jaguar.

Richard closed his eyes, not focusing further on the anomalies in front of him.

Echo and Sam landed on a somewhat still stable part of the colony. This time, Echo had Sam's ear in their tight grip.

“Echone! Please, I can help. Easy on my ear!” Sam said as they held on to Echo's arm.

“I don't think you understand what's at stake here. These two humans were brutally tortured. They need me to heal them with the Healing Cream. If I don't, they die!”

Sam went quiet. “Why were they tortured?” Sam asked.

“One, long story. Two, non of your business.”

Echo's right. It's chapter 41 and the story is still going :3

Sam was about to ask another question when they squinted their eyes in the distant. A helicopter was slowly making their way towards where Echo and Sam were.

Echo took hold of their flamethrower and lit it up, making Sam squeal in absolute terror. The helicopter immediately set its course towards Echo and Sam.

The helicopter hovered slightly above them. Echo saw Jeremy dropping a ladder down and started climbing, still not letting go of Sam's ear.

When Echo reached the top, Zac immediately started freaking out frantically. Not even noticing Sam.
Echo's eyes widened when they saw Blake's condition.

“What the hell happened!” Echo said as they got out the numbing agent out. Blake drank it, but he was slowly loosing consciousness.

“Blake! Stay with me!” Zac kept saying. Echo handed out the bracelets.

Lucy and Jeremy kept glaring at Sam, who awkwardly stared back. Sam knew, one wrong move and they were toast. “What are these?” Jeremy asked.

“No time.” Echo pressed the button on their bracelet and they were out of the helicopter. The helicopter crashed soon after when Lucy wasn't at the controls.

Richard jumped to his feet when he saw Echo had returned with everyone. “Zac! What happened!” Richard shouted.

“Blake! He needs help! Now!” Echo was already next to Blake, frantically removing the bandages with Jeremy and Lucy's help.
Zac kept talking to Blake to keep him awake as Echo cut the bandages off.

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