Molding the Mental Image (Part 3)

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-You know...haaaa... how about it a day?

That's the first thing I suggest once I manage to distance myself from her. My breathing is erratic, and I'm striving to regain control while simultaneously soothing Aika's competitive spirit.

Throughout the entire hour of sparring, we didn't take a single break to hydrate or catch our breath, so it's only natural that we're both struggling to speak normally.

-Haaa….haaaa….Giving up already? I knew you were just bluffing!

-Look... I don't give a shit anymore... You can be declared the victor for all I care. Right now, all I really want to do is head home. Dinner will be served in about 30 minutes, and today is feijoada day.


You're not familiar with feijoada? Nevermind. You may have already noticed, but my mother is not Japanese. We sort of alternate our menus at home, you know? Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, we enjoy Japanese cuisine. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, it's all about Brazilian food, that way we sort of reach a balance for those two diverse gastronomies.

-Oooooooohhhh...!!! And is it tasty?

I nod in agreement.

-Absolutely mouthwatering. I have no doubt that my mother is an unrivaled culinary artist in this world... and perhaps beyond that.

That claim about my mother being the finest cook is clearly not accurate, but a son's pride for his mother makes him believe such things wholeheartedly, even if proven otherwise.

-Alright, you can go now, Ikuto.

-Are you serious?


After receiving her confirmation, we ascend the stairs. When Aika and I reach the top, we traverse the hall, and in less than a minute, I find myself outside the house with my blue-eyed companion. Opening the gate, I shift my focus to her. Our gazes lock, creating a moment of silent connection.

-Well, I suppose that's it... See you at school tomorrow?

-You can count on it. And Ikuto, heed my words and diligently train your mastery of divine energy, alright? Starting tomorrow, I expect you to come here every day. We'll engage in hand-to-hand combat drills, and once you have solid control over your energy, I'll guide you in harnessing it to fortify your body. That way, your chances of surviving encounters with mystical creatures will significantly increase.

-I understand. What about the person who controls the Daeva?

-Until I deem you strong enough, I'll continue carrying out the patrols alone. It's going to be quite challenging, but I'll manage for the time being.

-Isn't that risky? What if you're attacked?

-Excessive worry is needless. If I encounter an enemy I can't defeat, I'll simply retreat. You know the saying, "live to fight another day!" Moreover, there's a possibility I might gather valuable information. Even in the supernatural world, there's no such thing as a perfect crime, so eventually, a mistake will be made.

Indeed. Any information regarding the whereabouts of the Daeva master is invaluable. For instance, their current hiding place, their identity, and the type of magic they possess. We can gain a slight advantage if we acquire such knowledge and carry out a countermeasure plan.

Also, that last sentence of hers sounded oddly familiar to me...

-Alright, I'll give my utmost to become stronger and provide you with good assistance!

-That's the spirit!

-But I have a request.

Moving closer to Aika, I place my hands on her shoulders, peering into her eyes with as much intensity as I can convey.

Her face starts to blush. It must be embarrassing for her to be in such close proximity to me, considering she's never experienced physical contact with a man. Scratch that, she hasn't even had that level of intimacy with the girls at school.

- W-What kind of request do you have?

- I simply ask that you take extra precautions and be careful, please.

- A-Are you that concerned about me? D-Don't be absurd! I've already assured you that I'll be fine.

She nervously chuckles and gazes at the floor, avoiding direct eye contact with me.

- I don't doubt your words, but considering that you are someone I've always admired, it's natural for me to worry. Besides, to be honest, I consider you a friend ever since that day we took that dog to the hospital.

My genuine desire is to be more than just her friend, but let's not rush things. As the old saying goes, one step at a time.

Aika continues to look at me in silence. I let out a sigh and create some distance between us.

- Night will descend upon us in a matter of minutes, so I shall be going. Have a restful night's sleep.

I begin to walk away from the house with light, yet determined steps. However, before I can venture too far...

- I also wish you a good night, and please be cautious on your way back, Ikuto.

It was no more than a whisper, but her words pierced my ears clearly. There was something in her voice, a certain bashfulness, that brings a small smile to my face.

Waving my hand in farewell, I continue my stroll. Roaming through the serene streets, I can't help but ponder that perhaps the day wasn't as dreadful as I had initially anticipated.

Beyond What Is Divine - Volume 01Where stories live. Discover now