Chapter 15

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Kagome glared at the metal doors. The scent of bleach hung heavy, just as the silence seemed deafening in the frigid air. Worst was the feeling of death; it clung to the walls. If not for Jujutsu Sorcerers, the morgue would be overflowing with curses.

"He's not dead." She glowered, biting back tears. Kagome repeated it over and over, holding onto that flicker of life that shone inside Yuji. Even without a heart, Kagome could still feel their energies- Sukuna's and Yuji's- battling within his chest.

"Kid-" Kagome snapped angry eyes at Gojo. He looked at her with pity and worry.

"He's not dead!" She repeated adamantly.

"I'm sorry." His hand fell gently on her shoulder; its weight felt so heavy, conveying more with that simple gesture than words ever could. He lingered for a moment before he moved past her and through the door.

Kagome fell onto an uncomfortable bench; she was exhausted from the emotional whiplash she'd been forced to endure.

The scene of gore and viscera replayed in vivid detail within her mind. Every time she closed her eyes, she could see Yuji giving her that gentle smile, blood spilling from his chest. Even in what had seemed like his final moments, Yuji had been so kind and selfless, wishing them to live happy and long lives.

It was cruel.


Kagome glared daggers at Sukuna, her throat firmly in his grip. "Come now, miko," he purred. "You can do better than that."

"Fuck off," Kagome hissed, her eyes ablaze with fury and pain. She tried to push against him, her hands frantically clawing at his arm, but he was much too strong for her. She felt his lips brush against her ear.

"Is that an offer?"

Kagome's blood was boiling within her veins, the feeling of his fingertips tracing her face sending waves of anger and disgust through her. Taking her chance, she snapped her head back and headbutted him with every ounce of her strength, resulting in an immensely satisfying crunch as her skull collided with his nose.

Sukuna stumbled back, blood dripping down his face. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Kagome shouted a battle cry and unleashed a powerful spiritual wave, sending Sukuna hurtling into a nearby tree, which cracked and splintered from the force of his impact. He quickly rose to his feet, still sporting that sinister grin.

He flew at her, seemingly appearing and disappearing as he went. She was thrown, her body sent flying into a nearby cement wall. A rush of pain followed, and Kagome felt blood slipping from her mouth as her vision blurred. Yet still, she rose to her feet, clenching her fists as she felt her spiritual power seething within her.

"All this fighting for a worthless brat," he said, as though amused.

"Don't you dare talk about Yuji like that," Kagome growled, a furious rage overtaking her. "He's not worthless." Taking her bow, she began to shoot an array of arrows at Sukuna, though he managed to dodge most. His grin never left his face.

"You really do amuse me, miko. I like it."

Gritting her teeth, Kagome put more and more power into her attacks. Though several had landed, each one making her heartache at the thought of it hitting Yuji, Sukuna's ability to heal was simply too great.

He suddenly appeared before her, his hand reaching out to touch her cheek. "You're mine, miko," he whispered.

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