Chapter 11

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{ July 2018 }

As Kagome sat up in her bed, she couldn't help but feel a little confused. The gentle rapping of knuckles had sounded just like Gojo. Groggily rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Kagome glanced at her alarm clock. It was well past midnight - much too late for a wake-up call and far too early for an impromptu mission for a student.

Slowly opening the door, she peered into the dark hallway, Gojo's silver-white hair practically glowing in the moonlit hallway. "Gojo? Is everything alright?" she asked tentatively in a hushed whisper. Kagome felt a knot forming in her stomach.

Gojo's smile was one of those rare sights that would light up any room, but there was a darkness that seemed to linger around the edges. The easygoing attitude he exuded was not quite as carefree as usual, as there was an anxiousness that lurked beneath the surface in his posture.

"I'm leaving for America tonight," His voice was soft and matter-of-fact.

Kagome's heart dropped.

"I'm not sure what the elders are planning, but you need to be on your toes." He informed her. "I fear they're going to use my absence to make their move."

She nodded mutely. The events of the past month had been overwhelming. She had watched as Yuji's execution had been postponed, and he was allowed to attend school. But even that small victory had been marred by the constant stares and whispers that followed him everywhere he went around the Tokyo Jujutsu Academy.

The situation was unjust and cruel, the way the elders wanted to execute Yuji simply because he was the vessel of Sukuna. He hadn't chosen this fate; it had been thrust upon him by circumstance, and now he was being punished for something completely out of his control.

As Kagome stood there, she felt a twist in her gut, an unknown emotion that left her shaking. It was a mix of anger, frustration, and a sense of helplessness.

Gojo placed a hand on her head, startling her out of her thoughts and gently messing up her hair. Likely trying to ease her growing distress.

"I need you to keep an eye on him as well. If anything happens, I want you to let me know immediately." He explained softly. "Whatever they are planning, if Sukuna is let out, you might be the only one to slow him down." Something in his voice told her he knew from that first night that Sukuna had been sneaking into her room.

Her gaze dropped to the floor. "Understood."

Gojo smiled gratefully at her before handing her a small bag. "Here, take these seals and talismans. They might come in handy. But be careful; they won't work if they are damaged or destroyed."

Kagome nodded, taking the small bag.

Gojo gave her one last reassuring smile before turning to leave. Kagome watched him go, her mind already whirring about how to keep Yuji safe. She knew it wouldn't be easy, but she was determined to do whatever it took to protect him from harm.


It wasn't even two days after Gojo had left when the first years were called upon for their first-ever independence mission.

Kagome couldn't believe her ears when she heard that the elders were sending her classmates on a mission that would surely result in their deaths.

She wasn't supposed to go; they had made that clear. Whereas her classmates were to go to West Tokyo City in search of survivors because of a Cursed Womb's appearance at a detention center, Kagome was to remain at the school and attend a meeting with the Seishin Council and Jujutsu Elders.

But she couldn't stand by and watch as her classmates were sent to their deaths.

"I'm going," she declared, her voice firm and unwavering.

"Kagome, you know you're supposed to stay for the meeting," Kiyotaka said, attempting to reason with her. His voice was hushed so the others wouldn't hear from the other room.

"I don't care," she replied, her eyes blazing with anger. "You know as well as I do that the elders are sending Yuji to his death. And they're perfectly fine sacrificing anyone as long as it means he's dead, but not me? Well, I'm not going to sit by and watch as my classmates are put in danger. I'm going with them."

There was a moment of tense silence. Finally, Kiyotaka spoke. "Very well. If you insist on going, I can't stop you. This is a dangerous mission."

Kagome nodded resolutely.

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