Chapter 9

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Kagome did her best to hide her laughter with a cough, even tried muffling it behind her fist, but Yuji was just so adorable to watch.

He darted from stall to stall, stars in his eyes and with the same excitement as a child. It was sweet and endearing. He even pull her along, pointing at whatever shiny object grabbed his attention.

"Why are we here in Harajuku anyway?" Megumi grumbled.

"She asked to meet us here," Gojo explained.

"Popcorn!" Yuji exclaimed, quickly buying the treat before returning with a huge grin on his face. "Only four first-years?" He asked behind a mouthful of popcorn. "Isn't that a little small for a class?" He mused

"Have you ever met anyone who can see curses?"

With another handful of popcorn, he answered dumbly. "Guess not!"

"That's how rare Jujutsu Sorcerers are."

Yuji nodded before his eyes darted to another stall. "Souvenirs!" In the twenty minutes it took to meet up with the fourth student, Yuji had donned silly glasses and was carrying an armful of food that he was happily munching on.

There was a weird commission with a cheesy sale-men looking for models when they found her-the fourth student and their final classmate. At fifteen, the girl cut an intimidating visage as she aggressively interrogated the plump man; openly asking why she wasn't being asked to model.

"How embarrassing," Yuji said behind a mouthful of his crepe.

"And look who's talking!" Megumi clipped back.

Kagome could only laugh. The life of a Jujutsu Sorcerer was one of chaos, for their life could be gone in the blink of an eye, forever uncertain. Rarely was there a moment of peace, but when these precious moments presented themselves, they were memories to be savored and held close to heart.

"Hey! Over Here!"

The girl turned her expression regarding them coolly. The man took that opportunity to run, the girl's attention now on them as they came closer. Her piercing orange-brown eyes regarded them with cool disregard.

"The name's Nobara Kugisaki." Nobara stood just a couple of inches taller than herself, with a slim build, large orange-brown eyes, and shining copper hair that fell to her shoulders in a long bob. Kagome found her to be rather pretty, if not a little standoffish. "Lucky you, getting to hang out with a girl like me!"

'What does that even mean?' Kagome asked herself, immediately rethinking her first impression of the girl as one that's overwhelmingly cocky and self-centered.

"Nice to meet you." Kagome smiled, hoping that the girl was just putting up some kind of tough-gal act. "I'm Kagome Higurashi; I'm from Tokyo."

Yuji beamed happily. "I'm Yuji Itadori! And I'm from Sedai!"

Megumi regarded her boredly, and visibly disinterested in the conversation. "Megumi Fushiguro."

Nobara looked at them long and hard, her thoughts practically being broadcast aloud.

'What a hick, probably the kind who ate boogers as a kid.'

'Just his name? I hate guys who are all high-and-mighty!'

As for Kagome, it was a quick glance. 'She seems nice, I guess.'

Nobara sank defeatedly. "Sheesh! I have the worst luck."

Kagome hides her smile behind a cough into her fist, looking back to Gojo expectantly. "Where to next?" Knowing her teacher, there was always a scheme to had, or some alternative motive behind everything he did.

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