Chapter 10

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The next two weeks at Jujutsu Tech flew by in a whirlwind of lectures, training exercises, and small missions for the group of first years. Each day brought new challenges and opportunities for growth.

During the lectures, Gojo would impart his vast knowledge of curses and important jujutsu techniques to the small class, captivating them with his boundless energy and charisma. But it was during the training exercises that the true magic happened.

The exercises were rigorous, but the students were all up to the challenge. Gojo had designed them with each student's strengths and weaknesses in mind, and it showed. He could spot a budding jujutsu prodigy from a mile away, and Gojo took great pride in nurturing their talents. The students were all working at their peak performance, each pushing themselves to improve.

Kagome was one such prodigy. She had a natural affinity for shikigami, talismans, and Hanten Jutsushiki, due partly to her being a duel-wielder of reiryoku and juryoku. And Gojo spent extra time honing her skills in these areas. Megumi, on the other hand, had a powerful curse technique but struggled with hand-to-hand combat. So Gojo paired her up with Nobara, who had a knack for using her hammer and nails to devastating effect.

Meanwhile, Yuji was slated to be a powerhouse, at least with the right training. He excelled in all areas requiring his boundless physical prowess. However, he was slow to harness his juryoku, which was still a new concept. Gojo had a hard time pinning down Yuji's preferred fighting style, mostly because Yuji was such a loose canon that he was quick to adapt to his surroundings. But that didn't stop him from challenging Yuji to push himself harder and try new techniques.

The two weeks had also allowed the first years to bond. Kagome and Nobara became close; they could often be found chatting about the latest fashion and pop culture trends. Yuji and Megumi also became close, motivating each other to continue pushing themselves.

Despite all the friendships to bloom, the one between Kagome and Yuji was the most interesting.

Kagome and Yuji were both hesitant toward one another. The potential for friendship was there, but they each approached it with caution.

Kagome, likely unsure due to Sukuna's interest in her, vacillated between seeking out his company and keeping her distance. Yuji, for his part, was happy to befriend Kagome, but he didn't want to come on too strong and risk scaring her off.

Despite the tentative nature of their friendship, there were moments when it flourished. When Kagome opened up to Yuji about her love of reading, he lit up with enthusiasm and shared some of his favorite tv adaptations with her. And when Yuji revealed his passion for cooking, Kagome was eager to offer him help in the kitchen.

As they spent more time together, the bond between Kagome and Yuji grew stronger. Kagome realized that Yuji was kind, supportive, and truly cared about her well-being. And Yuji came to see Kagome as someone he could rely on, even in his moments of vulnerability.

As Gojo stood at the back of his classroom, he couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions as he watched his students diligently studying and practicing their jujutsu skills. It filled him with happiness to see how much they had grown and learned under his guidance, but at the same time, it also made him feel despondent.

For Gojo, watching his students was like a constant reminder of his own past. A time when he, too, was just a young jujutsu sorcerer, full of hope and ambition. Back then, he had made friends with his fellow sorcerers. Still, those relationships had ultimately crumbled under the strain of the duties and sacrifices they were expected to fulfill.

The elders had placed so many restraints on them, making it nearly impossible for them to form genuine connections with each other, fueling any distrust that could be exploited between and because of the three families. But despite all that, Gojo still held onto the hope that things could be different for his students. He wanted to show them that being a jujutsu sorcerer didn't have to mean continuous sacrifices.

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