Another Attack

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The Golden Trio and other students are in the library doing their work Harry looks up to see all are looking vary at Harry. Harry looks at Ron and Hermione they just smiled sadly

Harry sighed saying

Harry: See u back in the common room

Ron nods as Harry left with his books and all

Harry left into the Corridor leading to Common Room he heard that voice again

Unknown voice: Kill Kill Kill Kill!!!!

Harry ran following the voice

All the students there along with the elder's Sahithi just hugged him to her as the kids cuddled closely to the parents

Harry steps into the corridor to find Justin-Finch-Fletchley lying rigid on the floor, a look of shock on his frozen face. He saw nearly headless Nick floating, body with black smoke.

Harry look at that in shock and saw a trail scuttling from Justin's body and out the loose windowpane and suddenly

"Oh my god"

"Another attack"

"Tell someone"

"poor Nick"

James and Lily are looking terrified along with the black house except for Walburg and Belatrix as their younger member is in a dangerous situation

Filch came out of the shadow and said with a manic look

Filch: Caught in the act. I'll have you out this time, Potter. Mark my words..., Dark magic. That's what you've got, Potter. Even the air you breathe comes out poison. You're evil. Evil as they come...

James shouted " You watch your mouth when it comes to my son"

Lily said "Our son james"

He smiles saying " Yeah our son"

All just smile at that

Harry looks at McGonagall

Harry: Professor, I swear I didn't...

Lily" Minnie you have to believe him"

All the students looked at Lily in shock as she put her hand on her mouth

Pranksters looked at her in shock but started to laugh as McGonagall have a small smile

Sahithi said " I know you are a prankster my dear mother in law"

Lily said "I am so sorry professor"

"It's okay Ms.Black"

All pranksters pout at that 

McGonagall: This is out of my hands, Potter. Mr.Filch, will you take care of this, please?

Agusta said " Oh Minerva you really don't think it's Harry did it did you"

" I couldn't tell you Agusta"

As McGonagall leads Harry away, they reached an Ugly stone gargoyle

McGonagall: Sherbet lemon

The Gargoyle springs to life, its wings opening

McGonagall: Professor Dumbledore will be waiting for you

McGonagall ushers Harry finished. As The Gargoyle's wings close as Harry rises to the upper floor as he stepped inside the room quietly he saw strange silver instruments whir quietly, on the nearby shelf the sorting hat sits. He saw so many portraits around him as they are looking at him. 

Sorting hat: Be in your bonnet, Potter?

Harry: Well, you see, I was wondering...

Sorting hat: If I put you in the right house? were particularly difficult to place. But I stand by what I said last year... You would have done well in Slytherin

Harry: You're wrong

The hat sits motionless, Silent. Hearing a notice sound Harry turned to see an old bird sitting on a golden perch. It wobbles, then... burst into flames! Harry jumped away with a horror-struck on his face as Dumbledore enters

All just laugh at that As Harry pouts

Harry: Professor, your bird... I couldn't do anything...He just caught fire

Dumbledore: About time too. He's been looking dreadful for days. Pity you had to see him on a Burning Day. He's really very handsome most of the time, Fawkes is a phoenix, Harry. Phoenixes burst into flames when it is time for them to die and are reborn from the ashes

Harry looks at the floor, to see a baby Fawkes pokes out his wrinkled head, blinking through the dust, Harry smiles at the baby bird

Dumbledore: Fascinating creatures, Phoenixes. They can carry immensely heavy loads, their tears have healing powers, and they make highly faithful pets

Just then, Hagrid still clutching the dead rooster, bursts through the door

Hagrid: It wasn't Harry, Professor Dumbledore!

Dumbledore: Hagrid--

Hagrid: I was talking there just before that kid was found. It can't have a binder!

Dumbledore: Hagrid---

Hagrid: I'll swear there it in front of the Ministry of Magic--

Lily said " Oh I love you Hagrid! thank you for protecting my baby"

Hagrid blushed bright red as all laughed at that

Dumbledore: HAGRID! I do not think that Harry has attacked anyone

Hagrid: Oh, right. I'll wait outside then

As Hagrid exits, Harry looks hopefully at Dumbledore

Harry: You don't think it was me, professor?

Dumbledore: No, Harry. But I must ask you... Is there anything you'd like to tell me? Anything at all?

Dumbledore waits, Harry debates, Finally...

Harry: No Professor, Nothing

All look at Harry with incredulous looks

but his family understood why Mikealsons looked in a calculating way at the way Dumbledore asking

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