godric hallow

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When next chapter started sahithi went to harry sat next to him and hugged him every one from future now's what happens that day if any one see harry closely you could see the tears in his eyes , the movie started
When the movie started all can see the how the godrics hallow is very peacefully and all the children dressed up for halloween and enjoying the halloween except one family in godrics hallow  , they are Lily and James potter along with his 15 months old son harry James potter who is exact replica of James except for his eyes he has his mother eyes big emarald eyes.
Severus said " why are we seeing this brats life" and Yelped when he felt a sting and started to glare at the person meet with a ferocious gaze of sahithi he backdown and they continued to watch the movie,
They cannot celebrate the halloween because of the prophecy tide to their family and the other family they went into hiding. Lily potter came to living room only to see James making smoke and bubbles to entertain their 15 months old prince who is shreaking in delight and clapping his hands with his pendent in his neck and scolded James to stop other wise harry will have cough and took harry from him and kissed harry check , James is smiling seeing them and the box give by eva is glowed  telling a letter  had came for them James removed the seal and read the letter they have horror on their faces that voldemort know about little angle and they are relieved that they went to muggle world to protect their little girl. After finishing reading the letter they thrown it into the fire place and watched the letter burning into ashes , after that they thought it's for best the two kids will meet at the right time. Lily said" James it's not late to go to Potters manor ,we have more wards than a filedus charm" " but Dumbledore said it's safe here but I am having bad feeling Lily flower" " me to James me to" they hugged each other and harry into a hug.
Felmentous said" potter manor has more wards than godric hallow ,harry is absolutely safe their in manor what are you planning Dumbledore" Dumbledore didn't give any answer
The front gate of the house is opened and ward around the house is collapsed and James got an indication " lily take harry and run it's him voldemort take him up take the portkey and go I will manage you to give you some time"
Euphemia said " go with them James go with them" with tears in her eyes James said with small smile " it's future mom"
Lily is shaking her head and said " no James please come with us I can't I can't do this without you James please" James smiles sadly and kissed her and kissed his son on forehead and said"I should have listened to you when you said we go to potters manor but I listened to  Dumbledore I am sorry lily, lily thank you for marrying me giving a beautiful son and loving me thank you so much darling I love you and harry till my last breath, prongslet be good to mummy okay I love you so much don't forget that" and send them away and ready to face that bastard who is after his son and searched for his wand and cursed he left it on the sofa while playing with harry
Padfoot slapped him and shouted " are you mad  how could you" and hugged him while crying and lily is doing same
Then the door of the house is broken and there stood voldemort and he laughed a cold laugh and said" is this the great James potter end ,without a wand who could you beat me " " bitch I beat you three time and now I can punch your nose oh wait you don't have one" said with mischievous smile but his eyes show fear for his wife and his son
Remus " James why" James just gave him a sad smile
Voldemort got angry and shouted " AVADA KEDAVRA"
the green light from the wand hit James and his last thought is his wife and son is safe.
The whole hall shouted " no" elder potters, maradura and lily are hugging him and crying ,staff especially Minnie is dabbing her eyes that her favorite student is dead, harry is crying in Sahithi arms and James is sitting their feeling nub that he is not in his son's life
Hearing a thud noice she ran to Harry's Rome took the portkey given by Dumbledore she tried to activate it it is not working and she understood that Dumbledore gave her a false portkey so the prophesy can be fulfilled and had kept a desk to the door to her to gain time and kissed harry head and said " harry your so loved mama loves you dada love you harry be brave be strong meet your soulmate" and harry had nodded like he understood something and raised his little hand to rub her eyes like James did to her she smiled after that voldemort blasted the door and said to step aside she refused and killed her with the same spell he killed her husband and her last thought is about her child harry
The whole great hall is crying for the couple for their fate and lily took her wand and hexed head master for giving her family this fate
After he stepped near to the crib and saw the baby who is not having an ounce of fear In his eyes instead he is glaring at him and he took his wand and shouted " AVADA KEDAVRA"
The whole hall including parents shouted" no"
But the spell is rebounded at hit voldemort he let out a strangled scream and disappeared and the baby had a lightning bolt scar on his head forever which his fate is changed forever.and he started to cry for his mama and papa.
The whole graet hall is shocked and the one breaked the silence is walburg and Bellatrix " he is vanquished  mearly by a baby" lot of the people are celebrating that he is vanquished the potter family is sad because he is the only one remaining in the family
The screen showed next Chapter

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