Going through the trap

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Hermione: Qw! You stood my foot!

Ron: Sorry

A flame lights, hermione draws out  her wand and points it at the door

Hermione: Alohomora

The door opened and they went in

Ron: Wait a minute...He's...

The snore of the dogs sends a soft blow of air toward the trio, and the cape flutters off.

Ron: Sleeping

Harry: Snape's already been here. He's put a spell on the harp

they approach the sleeping dog

Ron: Uh. It's got horrible breath!

Harry: We have to move its paw.

Ron: What?!

Harry: Come on!

Grab's paw which is blocking the doo

Harry: Okay, push!

They strain and move it, they open the door

Harry: I'll go first. Don't follow until I give you a sign

Fluffy's eyes open

Harry: If something wrong happens, get yourselves out...does it seem a bit.. quiet?

All the people including the F.G except the trio paled at that

Hermione: The harp, it stopped playing

drool from one head comes down on ron's shoulder

Ron: Ew! Yuck! Ugh.

All three kids slowly look up to see fluffy standing at them and snarling, and growling, it breaks the harp and dives at the three

James and Arthur " FUCKING JUMP"

Molly and Lily paled looking away from the screen and muttering they were here alive

Harry: Jump! Go!

They all jump through the trapdoor

Ron: Ahh

gasps as he lands on some mushy black ropelike vine

Ron: Whoa, lucky this plant thing is here, really

Sahithi said "Really Devil's snare you guys  have the worst luck"

the trio just smiled innocently which caused Jasmine and sahithi to groan

Harry: Whoa!

the plant begins to move toward them

Harry: Oh, Ahh

the plant ties them up

Sahithi, Lily, james, mia, and monty freeze in fear for harry 

Hermione: Stop moving both of you. This is a Devil's Snare you have to relax, if you don't it will only kill you faster.

Ron: Kill us faster?! Oh, now I can relax

Hermione manages to relax and she sucked down below

Ron & Harry: Hermione!

Ron: Now what are we gonna do?!

Hermione: Just relax!

Harry: Hermione! Where are you?!

Hermione: Do what I say. Trust me.

Sahithi said "Listen to her, you idiots"

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