"I hate you," Celeste grumbled, rubbing her eyes from where she sat in the bleachers. "Couldn't you have picked up a better time?"

"The early Pidgey gets the Caterpie," Ash beamed, before freezing. "That's a horrbile saying! Who invented it?!"

"I don't care!" Celeste growled. "Just get going win this Arceusdamn gym battle so I can go back to sleep!"

"Someone's not a day person," Gym Leader Byron chuckled.

"Much to Dolos' eternal suffering, his mate and trainer prefer the night," Ash giggled.

"Dolos?" Byron inquired curiously.

"Her Espeon," Ash answered, pointing at the pink pokemon sitting next to her. "Now! Can I have my gym battle?!"

"You are on!" Byron agreed. "It will be a three vs three pokemon battle, only you, as a challanger, can change your pokemon. Do you understand?"

"Yes!" Ash beamed.

"Then, Bastiodon you are up!" Byron called dout his first pokemon.

"Agni! Let's do this!" Ash called out his Fire-type.

Byron wasted no time, his command ringing out with authority. "Bastiodon, Iron Defense!" Bastiodon's body glowed with a metallic sheen as it hunkered down, its defenses skyrocketing.

"Agni, use Brick Break!" Ash quickly ordered. Agni leaped into action, his fists ablaze as he launched a powerful Brick Break attack. The force of the move collided with Bastiodon's fortified defenses, creating a shockwave that rippled through the battlefield. Despite the impact, Bastiodon remained standing, his Iron Defense proving to be a formidable shield. "Flamethrower!" Ash commanded, undeterred.

Agni drew upon his fiery nature, summoning a searing torrent of flames that shot towards Bastiodon. The attack made contact, but the Steel/Rock dual-typing resistance to Fire moves dulled the impact. Still, the attack succeeded in singeing Bastiodon's metallic armor, causing him to let out a low growl of discomfort.

"Bastiodon, Flash Cannon!" Byron shouted.

Bastiodon's eyes glowed with an intense light as it gathered energy for his attack. A concentrated beam of energy shot forth, heading straight for Agni. Acting on instinct, Agni evaded as best as he could, but the attack grazed him, leaving behind a trail of sparks.

Sensing an opportunity, Ash seized the moment. "Dragon Tail!"

Agni's tail glowed with draconic energy as he swung it with immense force. The attack struck Bastiodon squarely, sending the pokemon skidding across the arena.

But Byron was not one to be underestimated. "Metal Burst!"

With a fierce determination, Bastiodon unleashed the stored energy, sending it hurtling back at Agni. The impact was fierce, and Agni staggered, his flames flickering as he struggled to remain on his feet.

The battle had taken its toll, but Ash's determination burned brighter than ever. "Agni, you've got this! Let's finish strong!" As if responding to his trainer's unwavering belief, a surge of energy coursed through Agni's body. In a blinding flash of light, he evolved into a Charizard, his wingspan spreading wide as he roared triumphantly. The transformation brought a renewed vigor to Agni's movements. His fiery wings beat with newfound strength as he launched himself into the air, hovering above the battlefield. The intensity of his gaze locked onto Bastiodon, his determination unyielding. "Dragon Claw!" Ash's voice rang out with conviction.

Agni's claws crackled with draconic energy as he descended upon Bastiodon with incredible speed. The attack struck true, overcoming the pokemon's defenses and dealing a decisive blow. Bastiodon let out a mighty roar before collapsing, his strength finally depleted.

Ash the Dragon SpecialistWhere stories live. Discover now