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Abby reconciled with her mother two and a half weeks ago, Sebastian was getting more secretive, and while I didn't like that, I felt it wasn't my place to pry. I knew he would never cheat, so that idea never really crossed my mind. Maybe he was planning something? Maybe he's been struggling with work? Whatever the case, I trust that he will tell me when he is ready.

I was dazed and lost in thought as I entered the town square and didn't even realize Penny was trying to talk to me until she tapped my shoulder.

"Sorry, yeah Pen?"

"Oh, no worries, I was just wondering if you'd want to meet us at the beach tonight? A group of us are going down to watch the sunset as Summer comes to a close."

"Of course, anything special I should bring?"

"I know Haley wants to take pictures, so anything you're okay with being photographed in."

"Okay, I'll be there." I smiled.

"5 pm sharp."

"Aye aye captain."

My smile stayed large on my face and I continued running my errands in town before I headed back to the farm. It was 4 when I got back, so I dropped everything off and quickly got ready. I lightly curled my hair, because I know how particular Haley gets with her pictures, and I put on a form-fitting black dress that went down to my mid-thigh and then put on a pair of black sandals and my leather jacket that Sebastian and I got when we went to Zuzu, it matches his.

I walked to the beach wondering where Sebastian had been all day, I didn't recall him mentioning going to his mom's, and he was gone when I woke up. Maybe he went for a motorcycle ride to clear his head because of work? I passed Caroline with a polite wave before checking the time and picking up my pace towards the beach.

My feet fell gently into the sand at exactly 5, I saw the sky filling with orange already as I walked out and saw a beautiful arch of flowers at the foot of the docks, with Sebastian standing underneath, and everyone who had been at the flower dance proposal was off to the side talking, clearly watching what was about to unfold, and very poorly trying to cover it up. I didn't forget a festival did I? I could have sworn we had finished up all of the Summer events. I made my way up to Sebastian.

"Hi love," I said as I approached, his cheeks flushed a light pink before he replied.

"Hey babe, just in time."

"In time for what?" We were only here for sunset pictures, the sun wasn't setting yet.

Then all of a sudden, the small crowd seems to disperse a bit farther away from us and I see Haley getting the setting on her camera right. I looked around confused before turning back to Sebastian at the small amount of movement I saw from the corner of my eye. He was kneeling? No, he was getting down on one knee. This can't actually be happening right? I must be dreaming.

"Rebeka Ann Silverwood, I was skeptical of you at first, but I warmed up to you quicker than anyone I've ever met. You were like another me, but also so very different, the yin to my yang. From the day we first met I felt more complete, happier, more inspired. You saved me. I never saw you coming and in the blink of an eye you became my everything.

From the moment you brought up motorcycles, to the time you sent Caroline packing from our porch, to right now, you are the most amazing person I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. You're full of adventure and you are hands down the most creative person in this entire town.

You are smart, and funny, and determined, and not afraid to speak your mind. You're the most caring person I know. I can't think of anyone I'd rather spend my time with. So here I am, asking you to spend the rest of our time on this earth, together. Will you marry me?"

I stood there shocked for a moment, choked up as tears streamed down my face. My hands cupping my mouth as I quietly sob, he opens a ring box and I see a simple yet elegant white gold band, being home to a couple of smaller diamonds looping around each other, the top of the ring appears to form an infinity symbol full of gems encased in the band. It was beyond perfect.

I nod my head slowly, tears still streaming and words being choked back in my throat, until they finally break free.

"Yes, yeah, yes!" I say, quite loudly by accident, and I loop my arms behind his neck as he stands up, hugging me as well and spinning us around, the group was caught between clapping, cheering, and crying. I saw a couple flashes as Haley took pictures, she had taken a few during Sebastian's proposal with the flash off, but as the sun continued setting, the flash was now getting more and more required.

Sebastian set me down and took my left hand, sliding the ring onto my ring finger.

"I also had the same idea." I chuckle.

"How so?"

I pulled out the mermaid pendant I had bought from the old mariner last week and clasped it around his neck.

"How'd you know my ring size? I hardly wear rings."

"Marlon sold you some and told me the size you bought."

The smile never left my face as we all talked and laughed, Haley continued taking pictures. Some of just Sebastian and I, some of us with a few others, and a few where he set up her tripod and got group photos of us all at the sunset.

"So did you like it?" Sebastian asks as we begin packing up everything on the beach.

"I have no notes, it was perfect." I giggle before pecking him on the cheek. "Oh my Yoba, I'm going to be a wife, we're officially old!" I giggle once more.

We all leave everything packed up by the beach, Elliot got everyone to go to the pub and the older folks were all shocked to see everyone get there at the same time.

"Where have you guys been?" Gus asks.

Sebastian sheepishly raised our hands that were clasped together, showing off the engagement ring shining bright on my finger, before pulling on the string around his neck and untucking the mermaid pendant. The Saloon filled with cheers and tears as the whole town bustled around congratulating Sebastian and me.

We spent the rest of the night drinking, talking, laughing, and enjoying the community we all have grown to love. This is more than I could have ever imagined when I moved to Pelican town.

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