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Bex had been coming around a lot more lately, she would text me for the most random things, but it made me smile. Every time. She saw me, the real me, and she respects me. She always texted me before coming over, and regardless I would say yes, because even if I was working, she'd sit there quietly reading or scrolling online until I was done. 

She even convinced Sam and Abby to start respecting my work as well, they were just always so distracting before, barging in while I was trying to focus on a module, and talking my ear off or convincing me to take a break. 

Here she was, laying on my bed reading another book from her mini library she kept at the farmhouse. I had finished the latest module a few minutes ago, but I was contemplating getting ahead on the project so I could spend more time with them later. 

"Hey Bex?"

"Yeah Sebastian?"

"Should I do a little extra work or just leave it?"

"Well, we have a lot of practices coming up next week, do you think extra work would help you be at them?"


"Then I say go for it, don't worry about me, I've been dying to read this book since I got it."

I reply with a nod before turning back to my work.


"So, Sebby, you've been hanging around Becca a lot lately." Abby begins.

"She doesn't like being called Becca; you know. And?"

"Well, she's never told me that, so Becca it is. And I'm just wondering if maybe our little Sebby has a crush?"

"Abby, you know how I am; I can't see anyone wanting to be with someone like that. Not to mention I never want to be stuck in something like my mom and dad, or even my mom and Demetrius. We understand each other is all. She's a really good friend."

"You know it's not the end of the world if you like someone Seb." Sam adds in.

"It is for me; you know that Sam."


The following day Bex came over and sprawled across my bed as I worked again. 

"Hey Sebastian?"

"Yeah Bex?"

"Do you like nicknames?"

"Not really, everyone just says Seb because it's easy, Lewis always calls me Sebastian though, that's part of the reason I don't mind talking to him as much as everyone else, he cares about us, may be a lazy mayor, but he cares."

"Well, I'll stick to Sebastian then."

I clicked save on the project and sat at the foot of the bed, Bex rested her feet on my lap as she continued to skim through a comic book I had laying out. 

We sat in calm silence as I thought back on my conversation with Abby. I can't like Bex, I mean, I haven't ever liked anyone, I'm too afraid of getting hurt. I get hurt enough by the people I live with. I don't need anyone else hurting me. 

My thoughts we interrupted by Bex humming slightly as the door opened and Maru walked in. 

"Hey guys, uh, Sebastian, mom wants to know what you want for dinner?"

"What are the options?"

"Maki rolls, Sashimi, or Pumpkin Soup."

"Sashimi please, thanks Maru."

"Of course," She begins with a smile. 

"Would you like to stay for dinner Rebeka?" 

"Yeah, I'd like that Mar."

Maru walked away, content with her brewing friendship with both Bex and I. A small smile played on my face seeing my sister happy. We may not have always gotten along, but it was because of Demetrius, I've always only wanted what's best for Maru. I just have a hard time always being compared to my little sister. I get that she is more outgoing and book smart, but I don't think I deserve to be treated like I'm less than her just because I like other things. 

I jolt a little as Bex knocks one of my arms with her foot. 

"What's got you all smiley, normally you're all dark and broody." She lets out a small giggle.

"My apologies madam, I shall resume my normal level of 'dark and broody' now." I joked, receiving a near hysterical laugh from Bex as I chuckle too. 

"You know, you make it work, Elliot just makes it weird, like we're all living in a turn of the century novel." I laugh even more, she managed to put the perfect words to my perception of Elliot, it's personally why I always try to stand far away from him at festivals and stuff. 

"He just seems so, 'twilight' if that makes sense?"

"Yes! He is such an Aro-Carlisle combination. Like he's nice, but just so old sounding."

We sit there laughing and chatting together for a while longer. Just enjoying our time together, Bex got up to grab a water out of my fridge and laid down with her head in my lap after coming back. 

I know it must have been in my head, but I could have sworn my heart skipped a beat. 

It can't be real right?

No, I can't like Bex, she's just a friend. Yeah, just a friend. 

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