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It's been almost a week since Sebastian and I started dating. It's Friday and we have successfully avoided the craze of the town regarding our relationship, until now. We walk into the Saloon and it's almost like a movie, the whole place goes silent. Well, for a second, until Shane cleared his throat and everyone started cheering. It was odd, to be celebrated for putting a label on our situation.


We hear from Willy. A crimson blush consumes my face and Sebastian, although equally as uncomfortable, pulls me behind him and walks forward, acting as my shield while my head rests against his back. We got to the gaming room and Sam stands in the doorway acting like a bodyguard of sorts until everyone else decides to lay off and leave us be. I hope he knows how much we both appreciate him. I grab a pool cue and Sebastian follows suit as we rack the balls. While trying to ignore the bar full of eyes on our every move.

After a game or two, the saloon finally calmed down, and out of the back corner comes Abigail. She stands awkwardly off to the side like she is waiting to be acknowledged. 


I say as a way to break the silence. 

"I- I owe you guys an apology."

"You don't say," Sebastian chimes in.

"I'm sorry for how I acted and treated you guys, especially you Rebeka."

"You know there is no harm in being jealous of someone, everyone gets jealous sometimes, but you were just cruel..." I reply. 

"And you didn't deserve that. I'm sorry. If it helps, I wasn't jealous of you and Sebastian getting flirty, I was scared I was losing one of my best friends, and I guess, I got a little bitchy."

"A little?"

"Okay, a lot. I just want you to know I'm not interested in Sebastian or anything, I'm in a relationship. There is nothing to worry about, I just thought I was losing one of my best friends and I freaked."

I stood there listening, I understand where she is coming from, she and Sebastian literally grew up together, and she has every right to be upset, she felt like part of her childhood was being ripped away from her. 

"I still don't see why it took you months to talk to us about this."

"I was upset, I had to work through some things with Steph's help, I felt like I was losing half of the only good part of my childhood, and no offense, but it didn't exactly make it better that the person ripping it away was the new farmer who seems absolutely perfect for my best friend."

"I don't really see what is offensive... I'm mildly flattered, in a weird way. Wait- who's Steph?"

"Right, I forgot I never told you. Steph is my girlfriend."

"You're gay? Is it bad that I kind of saw it coming? Like is that rude? I'm so sorry if that was mean, I-"

"It's totally fine, neither of these two were exactly shocked either. Just keep it on the down low, none of the parents or seniors in town know."

"Well, I think this can all be water under the bridge. Yes?" I say looking around at the trio before me.

"Definitely." They all say slightly out of sync. 

We play a game of pool. Sebastian and I verse Sam and Abby. Halfway through the game, I turn around when I hear hoots and hollers from the bar side. Only to realize everyone is once again staring at Sebastian and me, as he had forgotten we were in public, and in a sense of comfort, he rested his hand on the small of my back as I lined up a shot. Neither of us was big on PDA, and once he also realized what was going on, he looked down at his hand placement and tried to nonchalantly snatch his hand away and back into his pocket, but he looked like a deer in headlights. It was honestly adorable. 


After a few games, we decided to call it a night, and Sebastian and I started to walk Sam and Abby to their respective homes. We had agreed earlier in the night to pick back up on practices in a few days. After we saw Sam disappear inside his house Sebastian and I started walking back to the farmhouse where we spend half of our time now. 

 "Hey, Bex?"

"Yeah, Sebastian?"

"I have to ask you something that may seem really forward and soon, but I feel like-"

"-We need to talk about it before we get too far into this relationship?"




"Ask then."

"What do you think about moving in together at some point?"

"While I think it is too early right now, I'm definitely open to it in the future."


"Now it's my turn, do you see us potentially getting married at some point?"

"I hope."

"Then adding onto both those, I feel like we should live together before we get married, to make sure we can live together well."

"That seems smart because people can get along great, but they could never live together because they have two totally different standards of living?"

"Exactly, I feel like it's important to do that first."

"Yeah, that makes sense. I'm sure we will live together perfectly fine when the time comes."

"Me too," I reply with a look of joy emblazoned on my face. 

"How about we revisit moving in together in a few months? I don't want to rush into anything, you are amazing, and I know it sounds cheesy and it makes me look like a dork, but this is my first relationship, and I really want it to be my last. I can't imagine losing you now that we are where we are."

"It's gonna take a shit ton of bad things to get me to leave, I don't plan on us ending."

We cut our conversation short as we walk inside and basically collapse into bed from the exhaustion of today. Tired as can be, we still found each other wrapped in the other's grasp before drifting off to sleep. 

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