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I woke up with a slight cramp in my side, and groggily opened my eyes. It took me a few moments to realize a figure next to me, but not just any figure...


I let out a small gasp before separating myself from him. I must have fallen asleep last night. I look around and see our cans grouped together from where we all sat last night, the empty bag of chips Sebastian and I shared during the game. All of these memories started flooding back to me, and then it hit me. A headache like I've never had before, it made my eyes hurt, and I felt like the dimmed lights in the room were still too bright. 

I tried my best to grab a few cans and throw them away, but I accidentally knocked one over and the noise made my splitting headache wage war on the rest of my body. I grunted a bit while continuing to quietly throw away my mess and searched the couch for my phone. 

It was still early in the morning, no one would be up by now, I cleaned up a bit more around the room and spotted a notepad and some pens on his desk. 

I didn't want him to worry too much, so I quickly scribbled down a note.


I woke up pretty early and headed back to the farm, last night was fun.

I haven't forgotten about the band, I'll have an answer for you guys tomorrow, right now I need sleep.

Here's my number to make things easier, feel free to give it to Sam and Abigail:


P.S. I hope your hangover isn't as bad as mine. 

I grabbed my things and slipped upstairs as quietly as possible, I'm almost positive nobody heard anything as I walked out the front door and quietly shut it. 


It had been a few days since I woke up in Sebastian's arms, we had been texting quite a bit, and I decided to join the band. We were doing pretty great at the one rehearsal we did, which was mostly us going through my music and doing run throughs to see if it would work. I was on my way to Sam's for practice when I heard some lowered voices at the side of Sam's house, I thought it was the trio, so I hugged the back of the wall to try and give them a slight scare until I heard the words, coming from Jodi, Caroline, and Robin. 

"I know what I saw girls, Rebeka was leaving Sebby's room, at five-thirty in the morning" Robin said. 

"And you're sure it was them hooking up?" Jodi asked.

"Well, almost sure, Sebby won't talk to me about it, I haven't confronted him, but he's been on his phone more lately, and I'm just sure they're texting about it."

"Robin, what's so wrong if they did?" Caroline asked.

"Because they just met? She's a nice girl, but I'm worried Sebby is rushing into things." 

"I say find out more from either of them before you jump to conclusions Robin, for all you know they could have been hanging out and reading comics or something." Jodi responded, trying to calm Robin down. 

I felt wrong eavesdropping, but all of this was about me. Maybe I should set the record straight? But none of them were supposed to be drinking that night. 

I push myself off of the wall and make it seem like I just came through the back gate to head to practice.

"Hi guys." I say. I just know that sounded off, but it seemed to go over their heads. 

"Hey Rebeka, what are you doing here?" Robin asked, clearly uncomfortable at the situation she has found herself in. 

"Just heading in for practice, what's up with you guys?" I responded, trying, almost pleading for her to ask me, just so I can clear the air. There's nothing going on between Sebastian and me. Right?

"Robin was just telling us about something she wanted to ask you." Caroline replied, nudging Robin. 

"Yeah, so, I had seen you leaving Sebby's room really early the other morning, and I was just wondering what you guys, had, uh, been up to." Robin mustered out. 

"Oh! Yeah, Sam and Abby had been over with us that night, I just fell asleep on the couch and Sebastian didn't want to wake me up to leave when they did. I hope you don't mind."

"Of course not! I was just, nevermind." Robin exclaimed before her, and the other girls walked off nodding a goodbye to me. 

I walked inside and headed straight to Sam's room. 

"Guys you are never going to believe it, the most uncomfortable thing just happened outside." I said and I rushed in, only to find the trio sitting up against the open window on Sam's room. 

"Yeah, we know, our moms suck at having secret gossip sessions." Abby responded. 

I noticed a slight redness across Sebastians face. I gave him a look and he just broke eye contact with me, I wonder if he's feeling okay. 

"Anyway, I need a distraction, so music time?" I suggested, receiving three nods in reply. 


"And I don't understand, 

If you didn't want me the way I am, 

Then why did you stay, 

Why not just walk away,

Into the dark abyss you left standing in your wake,

Leaving me to my own devices, 

Having to heal on my own, 

Never having a place to call home,"

"How was that?" I asked, after showing each of them their parts and singing the verse to them as we put it all together. 

"That was, amazing!" Abby exclaimed, clapping her hands with joy. 

We practiced it more, until we knew exactly how we wanted the verse to go and sound, before we headed our own separate ways. 

As I got back to the farm I noticed my phone chime, and quickly fished it out of my bag. 

Sebastian >.<

Hey, we're meeting at the saloon tomorrow night to play pool and hangout, want to join?

I replied with a quick 'sure' before admiring the face I put next to his name. It reminded me of yesterday when I dared him to take a bite of a lemon and his lips pursed as his eyes snapped shut. I chuckled a bit before walking back inside and turning on the weather report for tomorrow. 

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