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"You say you're an Ever but try to turn love away from an Ever? Do you want her to die!?" Clenching his fists and thorns squeezing all energy and magic away from his brother, Rafal maintains a stern tone, defending the one he came to help. "This isn't love, this is two confused fools. A Never cannot love! Leonora was just bored... like always. This is what she does, when she's angsty she does sinister things and causes a stir!" Tearing up everything from the past, the school master still seems envious of Lady Lesso. "You're just scared of her. You're scared of her authority..." Rafal snaps, gritting his teeth, trying to hold something back; failing too. "Ever since she first came to this school you hated her. You were just used to Nevers being failures, she wasn't. You noticed her talent and did everything you could to destroy her, which you succeeded in. You ruined that woman! You've ruined her again... this is what you've been planning-" The school master extinguishes Rafal's powers, slamming him against the wall. Astrid screams as she watches the dismay, frantically rushing to any exit, attempting to leave but secluded by ever-growing thorns and swords arising through floorboards. "Just let her go..." Rafal begs underneath his brother's fist. "She'll ruin everything... she'll break the balance, they both will. They're selfish!" Almost laughing at his brother's statement, Rafal unleashes remainders of an outburst; clings the school master over the balconies edge, over half of his body tipping overboard. "You're going to break the balance! You're the selfish one..." Rafal chisels at his brothers neck, carving a scratch deeply implemented. "If you truly are an Ever, if you truly are good, you'd defend and protect Astrid from all forms of evil. She's going to loose her mind if you don't her revive Lesso. She herself will turn into something worse than evil, she'll be amidst pain and sorrow forever. You would've failed to protect a dean, that's not a good look. An Ever always complies with love, it's coded into you. Are you truly an Ever? Yes, no? Answer me!" Gripping and shoving the school master closer to himself by the collar, Rafal grunts his voice, desperate for an answer. "A Never and Ever cannot be in love! It's going against everything!" Is all he can muster, begging for his collar and strength back in order, wanting the pain to ease. "Lesso cried the tear of love onto my skin, it seeped in and infected me. I think she is capable of love if she can even form such a complex and passionate tear." Dissolving away, embedded in shadows, drained into her thoughts and fears; Astrid pushes herself out, eyeing the school master with annoyance. "She what!" The school master attempts to bash his fists against his brothers clasp, temper over boiling with rage as he hears the truth. "Your plan was to just take Lesso down. She told me, you always hated her and still do. You just saw this as the perfect opportunity, you attacked and cursed her to make her weak. You tried to take her away from me, you tried to keep us apart!" Astrid inches closer, heels sharpening each times she steps. "Well guess what? You can't touch a rose; the thorns just stab you. You can't touch her, you can't get rid of her, you're terrified of her. You're scared of her sharpness, she's a thorn." Fiddling with the rose, Astrid smirks. "You may be able to stop one heart, but you can't stop both." She stands still, tucking the rose in her pocket. "Stop being so busy fighting, you'll hurt yourself. But hey, thanks, now I can get away with the rose." Astrid retreats, sprinting out of the building, leaping over to the bridge, striding through deep, smoggy morning air, attempting to bolt. Suddenly, a miniature jar of honey, a cube of sugar and a jar of salt implement themselves into her hands as she runs. Smiling up at the school master's tower, she smiles knowing Rafal used her powers to give her these.

"Brother, just let them... if you don't prove yourself accepting, you'll be considered a Never. You'll break the balance. There can't be two evil brothers, the school will collapse." Rafal walks in circles, attempting to soothe his brother's rage. "They're going to break the balance! An Ever and Never cannot be!" Ruffling his hands amongst the chains he's tied to, he kneels, face fuming and words steaming hatred. "If they couldn't be, why does this rose exist in the first place? Why was Lesso not harmed by it? It's a love rose, if Lesso and all the other Nevers were truly incapable of love, it would've killed her immediately. Everything at this school knows, it knows when to punish. This rose is here for a reason, it was here for them. They're just enforcing a rule you decided to change... you have now let Evers and Nevers have more communication but you won't let them be together? How is that going to work, sometimes people just fall in love. You can't control it. Time's have changed, brother..." Rafal manipulates the school master with his naturally evil deception, putting him under an easy spell as he whisps. "Only this once." The school master shrivels back into the floor, exasperated and weakend by Rafal's disguised magic controlling the school master's lethargy. Rafal nods happily and vanishes into thin air again, never being seen again.

Red Rose | Lady Lesso FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora