Meeting Time

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"Oh, would you hurry up!" Her hands fastened around her cane and she pointed it directly at Astrid. "We have a meeting to attend to!" Astrid could identify that posture of Lesso's eyebrows: tilted downward, burning up into fiery red arches. She's annoyed... After the first time witnessing it in the hall earlier - when the good school's ever boys won the sword fight - Astrid has learnt to associate that tipping, fuming, flame like arch with distaste and cruelty. Her moods spin around like that cane of hers... and why is that cane so important to her anyway? Astrid's curiosity was about to lend her up in some trouble if she expressed everything, so, she decided to stick with tame questions for now: "Lesso, why do you always have to handle that cane?" Shy infected words and tones stung Astrid's peachy lips; turning pale as Lesso's eyebrows crept down more as she lowered the cane and forced a halt in their incline up stairs. "I like to pose dominance over people." Lesso turned around, sighing and rolling her eyes and extended her cane again, placing the end of the extended cane on Astrid's hip, poking at the frills of her soft pink dress. "Probably moving so slow because of that horrendous dress!" Lesso continued upward and Astrid stood back rolling her eyes at Lesso's disapproval. "Well, what do you want me to do? Hm?" Once again; Astrid slightly picked up the top of her protruding skirt - so she could walk up the stairs successfully - walking even faster with sass. "Take it off or something?" Forming a bit of a inappropriate comment to force a response out of bored, impatient, Lesso. "Not yet..." Lesso's deep, velvety voice crawled in the darkness of the windy, stairwells, winding and bending into Astrid's brain, settling confusion. The darkness suddenly turned light as they reached the end of the staircase in silence and embarrassment.

"Welcome, tardy deans!" Protested a visibly angered headmaster. Astrid rolled her finger over the frills of her dress, nervously. Lady Lesso, however, made a scene; unbuttoning her blazer, steadying her tie with her hand clenched, exposing the veins of her hand. "Oh, sorry. It's just Astrid over here was being a bit of a princess, complaining about her silly little dress!" Lesso spun on her heel and faced the room, eyeing Astrid with the corner of those vivid green eyes. Lesso chuckled, deep and manically. All of a sudden Astrid witnessed Lesso's eyebrows lax, but, now the opposite happened to Astrid. Her face glew red, even redder than Lesso's voluminous hair. "See, she's a bit nervous... yes?" Lady Lesso announced herself charismatically and sat at her special, chair. A shade darker than the standard wood of the other professors and even the headmaster himself. "Sit down! You're late Astrid!" Lesso aggressively pulled the chair besides her and pounded a fist on it's cushion. Astrid, a bit startled, scared even. Sneaked over and sat down next to her evil opposition.

"Now. That we are all here..." The headmaster grumped his smooth voice. "Astrid, this meeting is dedicated to you." All eyes fell to Astrid, especially those emerald catty ones that sat next to her. "We understand as educators that it is extremely challenging coming into this field unpractised." You fucking think? Not only do I know nothing about this place, but you expect me to teach? Why am I even the, 'chosen one', anyway!? Astrid, secretly fuming and boiling and about to overboil with questions, remained serene. "Now, we obviously cannot tell you everything because we'd be here for hours, so... your other dean, Lady Leonora Lesso, will guide you throughout your first year of teaching. She will be there when you're actually out there teaching, it will be better you learning hands on." Her heart sunk. I have to deal with Lesso even more? She makes me feel odd... I can't even act accordingly around her out of, fear? I think it's fear? Lesso smirked evilly, almost like she planned this all. "Now, first of all, Astrid! Do you have any concerns?" The headmaster calmly stated. Oh, fuck yeah... I have so many concerns to the point if I said it, it would just be word vomit. Annoyed, but not allowed to express her anger - because she's the good dean, an ever - Astrid thought of the most simple questions, so they wouldn't mistake her for already being an expert. "Why am I here?" Oh you dumb bitch, that was not simple whatsoever! Astrid could not bury and suffocate this burning question. She couldn't just go kill it and put it in a grave, she's destined to be good. She's not allowed to do so. The only person capable of doing that would be Lady Lesso... Wait, that's it! Lady Lesso is my answer. Already knowing what she needed to do, Astrid impatiently listened to the headmaster neglect her question. "That is a very complex question, miss. That's for you to figure out on your own, but, I'll give you a hint. You're here because somebody chose you, whether it be fate or what, you're a good, lovely soul. We needed a dean like you for the Evers." It has to be Lesso... she's just been acting different around me, she looks a little bit nervous if I'm being honest. Observing Lady Lesso slouched back in her chair, resting a soft face made Astrid really wonder. "Leonora!" Yelled a coarse male voice, it surprisingly came from the headmaster - who usually is kind - "Sit up! This isn't rest time. You're being tasked to help Astrid! Listen!" As his face turned to Lesso it grew red with anger, but when turning it away it went back to it's usual presence. Astrid noticed this; noticing how bland, mellow and compliant Lesso was to the headmaster ticked her off a bit. Everybody here has some secret. I have some secret, one that I don't even know myself: how did I get here? Who sent that crate? What's inside that crate...

To reassure you of what happened during this meeting; nothing. It was mostly just advice about the school given to Astrid. Everything ended on good terms and all professors and both the deans were sent their separate ways, preparing for Monday. But, Astrid really was on high alert about the headmaster's hatred with Lesso... There's something more to this woman than meets the eye.

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