All eyes flicker toward Astrid and her dainty, soft natured charm. She can feel herself shimmering amongst the chandelier that illuminates her in a sparkly fashion. It boosts her ego. She lifts the dress slightly off the floor to prevent any drag, slightly revealing the pristinely, obsessively polished , princess, fantasy-inspired heels; clicking the more she walks. Students from both sides stop what they're doing. The goods stop fixing themselves up to look toward their new dean. The evils stop perking fun at the goods and focus their nit-wit attention toward Astrid, who they even don't dare make fun of due to her beauty. They all seem frozen in ice, the only motion coming from Astrid who walks and brushes frays of hair out of her pretty little eyes that are glossed with baby pink eyeshadow. Her head centres again, facing right to the depths of the room. It's platformed, elevated from the rest of the floor, symbolising importance. Maybe the elevation represents that or maybe the tall, lean woman appearing dominant as she handles her deathly black cane with assertiveness, spinning and twirling it around as she is also introduced to the beauty of Astrid. Maybe she's the one that symbolises the position of power with that suit; dark grey trench-coat buttoned up to just about the neck, revealing a scholarly like high collared white button up beneath. Her coat falls down the back of her tall, overpowering height; reaching the ebony leather boots that hold her up with staunch. Lady Lesso... Astrid fears and gasps in her head at the dark, intimidating grace of this woman. Astrid's eyes freeze on Lady Lesso and her piercing green eyes that blaze from such a distance. Her feet carry her forward and step her up upon the platform on the side of her new line up of students who sit glaring at her from the bleachers. She can also feel the glares from the evil side, especially Lady Lesso who breaks the silence with a deep, smoky, snarky laugh. "Well, well, I see... the new dean." A tiny rasp fills the empty void of her deep, soothing voice, that sounds like how velvet feels. Astrid, nervous, stands head down to the floor. Lady Lesso pokes her with the cane, teasingly, and charismatically flicks the cane and raises her arms and does a little dramatic gesture like one of an evil villain.  Gosh, what's that cane made of? It really can poke... Astrid soothes her soft like paper skin of her arm back into a state of painlessness - well attempts to - "Welcome, brats, to the school for good and evil!" The evil students watch in admiration at their new, perfectly evil dean whilst the school for good watch in fear as Lady Lesso raises her voice even more. "My name is Lady Lesso, the dean of evil." Her hand twists and her fingers land on the back of her palm; showcasing the dark grey shimmer of her nails and the smooth but sharp appearance of her hand. Astrid spontaneously turns her head to Lady Lesso and watches her flicking that cane around. "And this..." Her cane aligns with Astrid's forehead as she stands in front of Astrid. "This thing..." Lesso squints and smiles, an evil smile, revealing the pearliness of her teeth. Don't poke me again... tension between Astrid's forehead and the cane grow as Lesso forces it delicately on her skin, tapping, not poking this time. "This is the dean of good." She rolls her eyes "Miss Astrid." and mocks Astrid in a lazy voice. Lesso smiles kindly back at Astrid, hiding it from the hall of prying eyes. "Right!" Lesso's piercing voice startles Astrid out of a daydream. "Now, you have each been placed in a side of the school: evil and good. You have been perfectly placed in these schools, for a reason. You're either a little prep or a wickedly evil little demon sent from hell. Either way, you're obliged to following the schools rules. No fights are allowed to develop between any of you. If we recognise any battles between the school of good and evil, there will be consequences... you are only allowed to battle eachother for school events. Rules have changed at this school, don't listen to what the old tales say... our tale has been slightly adjusted by previous students, Agatha and Sophie." Lesso makes a bit of a pissed off face as she says those two names distastefully. Astrid picks up on this and makes note. "They fought for peace at this school; that's what they got. Don't violate that rule, there will be consequences." She eyes her cane and smiles with harsh intentions. "Now, go scram, go find your dorm rooms. You have been given a brief brochure of information regarding your dorms and classes. Please refer to your dean if you have any questions." Lesso bangs her cane against the floor furthermore and the students exit formally through the doors, leaving Lesso and Astrid standing. Astrid musters the courage to question Lady Lesso. "Why were you so harsh on them?" Lesso rolls her eyes and death stares. Oh fuck... Astrid sinks back in fear, and Lesso laughs realising her attitude. "Oh please, you're acting like I'm some sort of threat to you? We just met..." Lesso rolls her eyes again, more jokingly and offers a hand to Astrid. "I'm not what you think." What is she doing... Her mind is blank, she willingly takes Lesso's hand, trying to reassure herself that it's ok. "I'm harsh on the students because I want them to succeed... they're scared of me out of place of respect. That's what a good educator does." Astrid absorbs her words vividly. I cannot ask her about Professor Dovey, just yet... it'll destroy her little sense of compassion... I don't want to be in the midst of an argument with Lady Lesso. No thank you. "Be prepared for the meeting. I'm assuming the headmaster already told you, but oh well, I'm here to remind you; we're all going to help you find your head in this place." Lesso speaks in a way that trickles Astrid's mind with a soothing sensation. Reminding her of how a mother would talk to her daughter. "Yes, I've already been told." Lesso takes her hand off of Astrid's and flails around her beloved cane again. "Don't be tardy." Lesso throws her cane in the air and catches it in between two fingers, seeming to be showing off. "Hey, wait! I don't know where I'm meant to be going-" Astrid runs after Lesso and stops as she turns around on her tall leather boots, facing Astrid, annoyed. "Well, you should." Astrid pulls back a bit and stands there, silent, trying to figure out what to do next. I can't believe I'm already being dependant on somebody... maybe it's good she won't help, I'll learn better that way. "You should come with me, I know where to go." Lesso turns back in a change of mannerisms. "Come on, then." Astrid follows and they wind up in the top of the school, in an area intended for educators only.

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