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After the race they reviewed their performance while the mechanics are looking for the parts that needs to be changed.

Monday afternoon just a day after the race they all head back to the museum. But before going in there they all met at the cafe they once visited.

Jaden and Rein was sitting and busily sips their drink while waiting.

John's POV

"Whats up? Why are we gathering here?" I asked them. "The portal light in the museum..."

"It keeps getting weak." I wonder why... if Lyon is here, he must go back the portal might close if he stayed longer."

"Lets join him going back." During the day when the drivers are free. They visited the museum once more to check.

The portraits light didnt glow as much as it did. Which means that he really needs to go back.

"We should not go in. We might get stuck, we need lyon to decide if he wanted to go back." I pointed out.

After Lyon got back we walk normally so nobody would suspect anything. "Oh no. We need Lyon again."

"What why?" I and Jaden stopped and look at her. "The portal's light should stop glowing if we did it right. But we didn't."

"Whats wrong?" "Well he got in the wrong time. We should be a little early. You know before the race starts."

They researched about the date and time that it happened. Luckily it is on a website dedicated to former drivers.

"3:20 in the afternoon." Jaden told them as he found the time. "We should be there at 1 pm or earlier. I hope this time he will recognize us."

Theres a long line of waiting outside the museum. There are fans trying to see what's inside.

As the time ticks away and the slow movement of people coming in. The four got impatient and use their F1 ID's to get through.

"Its exactly three. We need to move." As we got into the paddock, and tour around it.

There he was! "Lyon!" We shouted to get his attention. He was shocked when he saw us.

He comes up to us. "They just told me, my car have a massive problem. I dont want to drive it."

His chest rose up as he looks around to see his engineers. "Lyon, your car is lined up. You need to go." His PR told him.

The evident shock was in their faces. "He--" Jaden was about to protest but the engineer turn his back on them.

"Lyon would have an accident because of a collision with Minardi. Stephan will still be a champion if they pushed him to race." Paris told the Engineers.

They looked at her and started laughing. "I dont want to race" Lyon protest.

During the race, , had an engine failure right after the Radillon turn at Spa.

While the car was running, it started throwing massive clouds of smoke that filled the track and made it impossible to see anything.

The team didn't acknowledge Lyon's request and made him drive the car.

Despite seeing the entire track covered in smoke, Raikkonen did not even lift his foot from the throttle. The Finn kept pushing through the smoke and got out of the danger zone without any problems.

He talked on the radio with his engineers. "I dont think this race is good. It is not safe."

"Copy that" his engineer replied but still pushed him through. On lap 46, he went in for tyre change.

From soft to medium. It took him 3.056 seconds to change the tyres and went back on track.

On the next two laps he purposefully slowed down. His engineers got mad and made him go for it.

While watching what's happening Jaden and John opened their banner to show some words.

They even took photos. Waiting for it and the crash happened.

The engineers looked for them but they run to the portal.

"Oh.. we didnt make it." They sat near the painting as they pant from running away.

John looked at Rein who was looking at Paris. "We tried but..." she shake her head.

"Please... were all tired from saving him. We wanted him to race, to see him alive he is his generations best driver." Paris cried and her sobs are making it hard for her to continue.

The three looked at her feeling sympathy for all of her hard work. "Let's go... Let's try next time again."

Paris looked at the painting once more before Rein supporting her to walk, she seemed to be weak from being so tired and disappointed with what happened.

They walked and the guard saw them looking tired and sad.

"Good evening" he greeted them. Paris looked at it but his eyes showed tiredness and sadness.

"Good evening, too. We're going home" Jaden replied and the guard looked at him.

The men took Rein and Paris to their hotel. "Thank you." Rein said as Paris continued to walk inside.

Her friends are worried about her. As she entered the room assigned for them Paris jumps to her bed.

"This is so tiring. Sorry for putting you all in this situation."

Rein looked at Paris. Jaden looked at the two, "its been a long day, lets just shrug this and try again."

Paris remained and stayed up late. Even the little details in the past she studied it.

"Look. Thats the right time to do it." They were watching the clips on youtube from the race where the crash took place.

A big sigh from them. "Why dont we go there and take this video and show them."

As they try to talk to Lyon's engineer, Jaden looked through the files to show them the proof. "Here. Watch it! That's Lyon!"

Unused to the technology the guy took the phone and watched the clip and how burtally it ended Lyon's life.

"That can't be real." The engineer just rubbed more frustrations on them. They kept on showing different angles of the video.

"See? Its real. Were from the future, please believe in us. Lyon will die in that car. Please!" Even the logistics team looked at them. The engineer and  his trainor agreed to tell their boss.

As the race is continuing and the lap when he had the accident is about to come up. Paris cannot sit still and just watch.

Lyon started to speed up in the turn 3. The engineer run through people in the garage to go to the motorhome.

"Red flag!!!" A marshall wave the flag. That made their heart skipped a beat.

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