Chapter 11- Worried

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" hello? "
"Hello it's me, Jin"
"Hey hyung. Why are you calling?" Jin hyuhf never calls, only if it is important.
"Younghae fainted." He said and sighed.
"YOUNGHAE WHAT?" I couldn't believe it.
"SHE FAINTED" Jin repeated.
"She wants to have you guys beside her. She is in the hospital now. Namjoon called an ambulance." Jin said fast.

"We are coming " I drank my drink quickly and pulled Jungkook with me.
"Why?" He asked.
His eyes became big. He hurried more.
We rode to the hospital.

I parked the car quickly and we ran to the reception to ask where Younghae's room was:" WHERE IS YOUNGHAE'S ROOM? "I asked quickly.
"Room 210. That's on the second floor." She responded.

* Jungkook's pov *

" Thank you." I said to the women.
We took the elevator and we went to the second floor.

I saw that Jimin was worried.
My phone rang.
Jung-Hae was calling.
I didn't response because this was emergency.

I opened the door and saw that Younghae was sitting on her bed.
"You guys came!" She said happy.
"Yes of course! Why wouldn't we? "

* Jimin's pov *

"Because I'm not that important...." She looked at the floor..
Honestly she is important for me.
I don't know why.
She just makes me happy all the time.
How could she not be important?

"You are important! " I responded.
A smile appeared on her face.

* Jungkook's pov *

"No you aren't." I said joking her.
But I received a hit from V. "Aish." I said while rubbing my arm. "Pabo." V shook his head.
Younghae laughed soo hard.
The tears of joy were coming.
"Omg. Hahahah" she laughed.
But suddenly she grabbed her stomach and began to cough.
"Don't laugh to much. You will hurt yourself.." Jimin said shocked.
"Yeah. I got it." She said back to him with a lovely smile.

"You won't leave me alone right? When I have hard times? You won't right? " Younghae asked me seriously.

"Why are you suddenly asking it?" I was surprised because of the fast switch.
"I want to know.." She responded.
"I won't leave you alone. How can I leave you huh?" I laughed.
"Please stay with me. " She said.

Stay with me..
Also sounds familiar.
"As my friend" she added.
"Okay." I said.

"Why did you fainted? " I asked.
"I didn't receive enough vitamins I think . . " She looked at me.
That look tho..
That voice...
Shouldn't I recognize her ?

"I'm sorry! I didn't make the choice! My parents did! Please stop crying, I don't want to leave you like this.." was still echoing in my head as well.
What's wrong with me?

" What can you remember from your faint?" I asked.
"I felt dizzy, so everything went black." She looked at me..
Why did she looked at me again?
And why does that sentence sound so known?

* Younghae's pov *

It was really scary.
I was just at home in the kitchen. I wanted to make the dinner for the boys because I love them. But I was walking to the freezer as I got dizzy. Everything was turning and vague. I grabbed the freezer on time, because if I didn't I would have probably hitted my head first. But I was on time so my body fell first.

I was looking at Jungkook because he was worried about something. He looked at me with a confused look. I was confused too, because Jungkook seems to be familiar to me. I'm living with him so I see his daily routine and stuff.
Familiar ..

*Jungkook's pov *

I needed some fresh air to think about this so I went out of the room:" Excuse me."

When I was outside I founded a empty bench, so I went there and sat on it.

"I'm sorry! I didn't make the choice! My parents did! Please stop crying, I don't want to leave you like this.."

"I felt dizzy, so everything went black."

Stay with me.

Her smile.

My mind was exploding.

It was like a puzzle which was almost finished but just misses some pieces.
I was trying to found the missing pieces but I don't know where they are.

I remember her from something.
But what?

"Don't make a mess Jungkook. ." I whispered to myself.

I was getting insane so I went back to Younghae's room.

"Ehm.. I'm going home. Please take care. And V don't make her laugh to much heh?"
I laughed.
"Yeah. I'll come home later!" He jumped off his seat and waved at me.
"Bye" I said and smiled, she smiled back.

I arrived at home and decided to call Jung-Hae because she called me several times, I mean 6 times.

I hope she isn't mad at me..

"Annyeonghaseo? " a sweet voice was heard.
"Hello Beauty~" I teased.
"Why didn't you pick my phone calls up? I was worried to death!" She was not angry or mad, she was just worried about me.
How sweet.

"Younghae is in the hospital now" I sighed and sat on a chair.
"Ommo. Is she fine?" Jung-Hae was watching TV I guess. I heard it.

"Yes she is" I was relieved.

"Better." She was less worried as well.

"I want to meet you soon!" I said like a kid.
"Let's plan a day huh? Why don't you eat with us tommorow? " I suggested.

"That's nice! I will see you then! Miss ya *mwah* " Jung-Hae laughed.

"Okay. Byee!" I hung up.

I went to the bathroom to take a quick shower before going to sleep.

I was done and heard that the hyungs were back as well.

I walked to my bed and my body fell on the bed.

I was thinking again ..

"I'm sorry! I didn't make the choice! My parents did! Please stop crying, I don't want to leave you like this.."
"I felt dizzy, so everything went black."

Stay with me.

She is Younghae ..
Has a mother and dad..
And she doesn't eat enough vitamins.
Who is she?


Yaay extra long chapter !
I'm very happy.
Because there are some readers yay!
I will finish this book anyway ;)
What will happend next?
Does Jk know Younghae or is it just a guess? I think rhat you guys already know it but ..yeah. .
Bye ! ♡♡

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