War Is Over

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Valerie woke up the next morning extremely tired

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Valerie woke up the next morning extremely tired. She couldn't even close her eyes without the images of the race. She had lost a good friend and almost lost her husband again. Valerie had always said she wanted to leave this life behind but whenever they did they only got a few years of peace. At least back then she had her family together but they were all spread around the world. She wanted to try and think positive but how could she after what just happened.

It was early and Brian was still sleeping on the couch. The two had only said a few words since last night both just wanted their fight to be over. The subject was important to both of them and they both were stubborn. Brian knew that about his wife from the minute he met her. That was one of the things he loved the most but also tended to be the part that aggravated him. At the end of the day he just wanted his family to be safe and happy.

The four had ended up at Elena old apartment which Isabel now lived. It was small but it worked. It was a miracle Isabel got out of that crash with just a few scratches. Valerie had helped Brian stitch up his arm that got cut during the explosion. 

Valerie walked into the kitchen where Isabel was and sat down next to her.

"How are you feeling?" She asked

"Have a headache but it's ok, how about you?"

"Other than morning sickness I'm alright"

"Your?" Isabel asked and pointed to her stomach

"Yeah, I am"


"Thank you, about last night I'm sorry. You shouldn't have gotten mixed up in that."

"It's not your fault. I chose to race."

"You know you really do remind me of your sister"

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