•Endgame (2)•

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The stones.

The stones where in my fathers hands on his metal knuckles.

I was in the 3 F's

flight fight or fright.

I'm in fright. I fell like I need to move but I can't. It's like I'm stuck in time. If I fight I may die. In fright I'm scared, on the border of a panic attack.

His hand was still up. The stones where in the same place and he was getting hurt. Thanos looks at my father in disbelief. As of how in the whole universe can a human hold space stones and not die on the spot.

"And I.." my father said out of breath.


"Iron Man" he said.

Not even a second later he snapped him fingers

Everything died. All of Thanos team disappeared. Into this air like 5 years ago.

I just look at Thanos. He looked at me "Now. It's your turn to mourn" I say getting up off the ground.

Thanos walked to a rock and sat on it.

He slowly faded away into thin air. I smile lightly to myself and I look behind me my dad who was kneeling a second ago was gone.

I see him forcing himself to walk I walk to him, wishing he was okay.

He sat down struggling to breath. Rhodes land by me and walks to my dad.

Peter next.

"Mr. Stark?" Peter said and he looked at me. "hey!Mr. Stark can you hear me?" Pater asked he was scared I can tell in his voice he was "It Peter!hey" Peter said and I tear up as I listen "We won mr. Stark. We won" Peter said I walk to him slowly touching his shoulder as he was gonna cry. "I'm sorry" Peter said now crying I knelled down by him and my dad

Pepper takes Peter away and kneels by me. "hey" pepper whispered to my dad he softly whispered back I can barely hear him "Friday?" I ask my voice cracking "Life functions critical" she said I look away for a second and back "Tony?" Pepper asked "Look at me" pepper said "We are gonna be okay" she assured him. "you can rest now" pepper said and got up and let me talk to him for a second.

"Dad?" I ask he looked at me slowly "I love you, an-and I'll never forget you, I-I" I stumble on my words and I look at him he is smiling "I miss you already" I cry out "I love you too Yn" he said and he was whezzing. I hug him slowly and softly

His whezzing stopped.

I cry. That's what I do I cry, "No please" I beg for him to come back and I know he can't but please "Please" I cry.

He was gone.

My father. The only person who kind of understood me is gone.

First it was Vision. Then Wanda. Then Nat. Then now my own father.

"Hun let's go" I hear and I don't want to leave I want to go back.

Go back before everything and everyone I loved was gone.

I cling onto him, "Yn." I hear I shake my head no. I hold on tighter as pepper tried to get me off "Yn we have to go." Steve said "No I'm not leaving my own father behind" I say and I feel a hand on my back I look who it is.

Wanda gives me a small smile, she knows what it's like. She knows the pain I'm going through.

"I-I can't leave him." I say she nods "I know" she hugs me I let go of my fathers body and hug on tightly to Wanda she was my last hope. I sob into her arms.

The other witch (Wanda Maximoff x female reader) Where stories live. Discover now