To many surprises

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Can you answer my question at the bottom after the chapter??

Y/ns POV
We landed at head quarters after a few hours searching for Thanos and got off of the ship going into the building, I walk to my room I lay there looking at the ceiling I look to my bed side table and I see notes from Wanda, every month when it was our anniversary she made me a note and I make her anything she wanted for dinner I smiled to myself and I felt the ground shake a bit. I walk out of my room and outside I see a space ship coming down one girl holding it, I run as soon as I see a blue girl and... holy shit my dad "DAD!" I yell running to him and hugging him as I was to him I cried in him arms and he looked ill
"y/n, I lost Peter but I'm so glad I didn't lose you" he said looking at my face Pepper come up "Tony, oh my god!" She said and hugged him "who are you?" I ask the girl "Carol, Carol Danvers" she said and I shook her hand "thank you for bringing him back down Carol" I say and I smiled at her as dad and Steve where talking we all went inside "hey are you ok?" I ask the blue girl "Yeah.." she said "y/n" I say giving her my name "nebula" she said and I remembered Gomoras sister nebula .shit. We all walk in side "it's been 23 days sense Thanos came to earth"  Rohdes said as floating profiles came out I see Wanda I tear up Nat hugged me "world governments are in pieces the parts that are still working are trying to take a census and it looks like he did...he did exactly what he said he was gonna do" Nat said "Thanos wiped out 50% of the population and all living creatures" I say I look at Thor and everyone around me "Where is he know? Where?" Dad asked "we don't know he just opened up a portal and walked through " Steve said "What's wrong with him?" Dad asked pointing to Thor "Oh he's pissed,thinks he failed,what of course he did" rocket spoke I walked to him and thumped his head "BUT there is a lot of that going on here" I say "honestly until this second I thought you where a build-a bear" dad said I silenced a tiny laugh and rocket thumped my leg. Steve spoke "we have been hunting him for 3 weeks in the ship, deep space scans, satellites and yet still nothing..Tony you fought him  " Steve said "who told you that?" Dad said I slowly raise my hand "I did" I say quiet but loud enough to hear me "I didn't fight him. No he wiped my face with a planet while a bleeder street magician gave away the stone" dad said "Wait, he gave the stone to Thanos? I though you fought for it. No one did anything?! I lost dad! We all did! I lost someone special to me!" I yell to him "y/n" I hear Nats voice I look at her "calm down, why don't we go get something to snack on? A smoothie?" She asked I shook my head no, I have only ate 2 time in the 3 weeks we have been searching for thanos, I'm stressed, and I am just annoyed with everyone and everything "did he give you any clues? Any coordinates anything?" Steve asked my father dad made a weird noise what ment a no "I saw this coming from a few years back, I had a vision I didn't believe it though I was dreaming." Dad said, "Tony Imma need you to focus" Steve asked and dad looked at me and back at Steve "and I needed you, as in past tense that trumps what you need it too late buddy, sorry." Dad said "you know what I need? I need a shave and I believe I rember telling all yuse" dad trailed off trying to get the medal thing off of him "dad." I say walking to him "alive and otherwise that what we needed was a suit of armor around the world remember that? Wether it impacted our precious freedoms or not that is what we needed" dad said "well it didn't work out did it" Steve told him "I said we would lose you said 'we will do that together too' guess what cap? We lost and you weren't there. But that what we do right? Our best work after the fact we are the 'Avengers' we are the Avengers not the Pre-Vengers, right?" He said "you made your point. Just sit down ok?" Rhodes said "okay. no, no here's my point you know what she is great by the way" dad said pointed to Carol "dad your sick sit down." I say he looked at me again "we need you your new blood" he said to Carol "bunch of tired old mules I got nothing for you cap,I have no coordinates no clues no strategies no options zero zip nada no trust liar" dad said and ripped his iron man power thing that he had for hi heart, I think (a/n I forgot and I'm to lazy to look what actually happens, I know though I just forgot!) he puts it in caps hand "here take this. You find him and put that on you hide" dad said and fell on his knees "Dad!" I yell "I'm fine" he said and passes out. Me and pepper stay in the room with dad until I walk out "love you pepp." I say to my step mom kissing her on the head and walk out of the room "Bruse gave him a sedative, he is gonna be out for the rest of the day." I say "you  take care of him and I'll bring him a xorrian elixir when I come back." Carol said "Where are ya going?" Cap said "to kill Thanos." She said "wait for me." I say walking right behind her "then come on" she said and I hurried to get to her as we where stopped my Nat, "hey you know we usually work as a team here, y/n you know that. Between you and I morale a little fragile" Nat said to Carol "we realize up there is more your territory, but this is our fight too, plus your bringing y/n, why?" Cap said I acted hurt "She is strong, powerful, and is..technically a space witch, kinda I only read about you once, The Sapphire witch, can Defeat the cosmos, take over the whole universe, can have visions, what is like dream walking but you arnt dream walking." Carol said "Space witch? Cool! What Dream walking?" I ask "It where you walk into a different version of you in the multiverse" she said I nodded "how do you know all of this?" Nat asked Carol, "I read about it, you do I believe there is a book with you in it and another witch." Carol said "not the point though, Thanos." She said getting back on track "yeah do you even know where he his?" Rhodes asked "I know people who might." Carol said "don't bother I can tell you where Thanos is." Nubla said and we all gathered into the kitchen area.


MY BIRTHDAYS ON THE 17th of March aka tomorrow or when ever you read this chapter, also I hope you liked how the end turned out of this chapter, you and the scarlet witch have something in common, you can take over space she can take over the multiverse, they both are I personally think are the same type of power, and

quick question: will you guys read a Harry Potter fanfic like
HermioneXY/N ??? I was gonna write on but idk if anyone would read it! If not I won't start one if so I will start Saturday but not Post till I'm half way done.

Anyways byeee <3

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