War ||2||

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Wanda's POV
We all get ready me and Yn get ready I help her zip her suit up and she helps me finish up mine. I smile at her "What?" She asks laughing at the end "You are just to damn pretty" I say and she smiles at me how did I get so damn lucky.....

Clint knocks on the door on the restroom door. And asks if we are ready we come out of the room ready I hold her hand and she holds mine and we walk where we are going to meet Cap. I see him run outside my father in his suit in the air he did something to the helicopter that Cap was going to go in I then see Roheds and my dad go on the groundf in there suits, by Cap "Wow it's so weird how people run into people at the airport. Do you think that weird?" Dad says "Definitely Weird" Roheds says I can barely here them though "Here me out tony that doctor that psychiatrist he's behind all of this" Cap says I see Black Panther come down "Captain" he says barley I can here him "Your Highness" Captain says "Anyway Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in...that was 24 hours ago can you help a brother out? " dad says "Your after the wrong guy" Cap says "Your judgement is a askew your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday." Dad says "And there are 5 more super soldiers just like him. I can't let the doctor find them first Tony I can't." Cap says as I see Nat walk up behind him "Steve...you know what about to happen. Do you really wanna punch your way out of this one?" Nat says I felt stabbed in my heart I though she would be on our team but winner can be choosers right? "Alright I've run out of patience..Undeross!" Say yells a kid about 5'8 spider suit comes down and webs caps shield and takes it. "Nice job kid!" Dad says....that what he calls me.... "Thanks I could of stuck the landing a little bit better it's just...new suit It's nothing Mr. Stark. It's perfect thank you" the kid stutters "Yeah we really don't need to start a conversation" dad says "Cap-Captain" he say looking at cap "Big fan Spider man" he says pointing to him "Yeah we'll talk about it later. Just good job" dad says "You've been busy" cap says "You've been a complete idiot dragging in Clint "Rescuing" Wanda AND Yn my own daughter! From a place they don't want to leave a SAFE place...I'm trying to keep... I'm trying to keep you from tearing apart the Avengers" My dad says "You did that when you signed" "Alright we are done.. Your gonna turn Barns over you're gonna come with us now because it's us...or a squad of J-SOC guys with no compunction about being impolite." I hear my dad say

I hear nothing Sam is probably talking or Cap or Bucky... I just don't know

Clint shot an arrow and the Webs come off on caps hands. We run I hold Wanda's hand for dear life right now I hear something...it's loud. I see my dad shooting at us I hold onto Wanda making sure she's not gonna get hurt I look at her worried "You ok?" I ask she nods her head at me I see my dad I front of us " Yn I think you hurt your robotic brother's feelings" Dad says "You locked us in our rooms" Wanda says "Okay first that's and exaggeration second I did it to protect you two" he says "from what? You!?" I ask my dad wanda tilts her head "Hey Clint" "Hey man" Clint says to my dad as we ignored my question "Clearly retirement doesn't suit you you tired of shooting golf" Dad asked " I played 18 I shot 18 just can't seem to miss." He says and shot an arrow at him missing but we had a plan "first time for everything" dad says "made you look" Clint says as me and Wanda pulls down cars blue and red magic everywhere on the cars trying to hit my dad. He doges them and I pull more out and more along with Wanda. We get him under some and we all run again to Captain and our other team mates I see Cap he signals us to hurry "There is our ride." Clint says to us looking at the ship soon Bucky Antman Sam and cap come around us. As we all run as a team me of course staying by Wanda because I'm a baby and I also don't want her getting hurt. A light beam was right infront of us I looked up and seen Vision "Captain Rogers I know you believe what your doing is right but for the collective good.." vision says and I see my dad and Natasha behind him "You must surrender now" vision says as the rest of there team comes down to them. Everyone glared and death stares everyone I didn't know who to my dad, because he locked me in a house for 1-3 weeks, Peter who is currently marking me jealous because him and my dad are getting along than me and his usually do. "What do we do cap?" Sam asked "Kiss them like Baby's Sam" I say sarcastically he smiles sarcastically "We fight" Captain says and we start running again I was running with Wanda because who else would I run. Me and Wanda go in the air and we then land on the ground we take cars and throw them I see spider man jump on one I use my powers and I see blue mist around his body and I throw him over somewhere else and I continue to throw cars and much more. I see Nat and Clint fighting Wanda acts fast I see red mist around Natasha's foot and she gets thrown in the air and hits the ground "Your pulling your punches" she said in her accent and she walks off me and Clint look at her I was shocked but I was happy she usually is sweet but then she just almost killed Nat. I jog to Wanda "Great job b-back there" I say to her she thanks me. I see Bucky and T'Challa fighting bucking is on the  truck almost getting killed I pulled T'challa off of Bucky "Come on man you got a metal arm for goodness sakes" I say and smile while walking off. Next thing you know is that Scott is in the air and is huge now he laughs and so do I it was cool and funny at the same time. Spider man comes twords me and I trow a car at him along with Wanda "You two are witches that's so cool!" He says and Wanda throws him to Rhody. And we run again yes I know so much running I hate it. Wand and I stoped she threw something at War Machine and I helped her he kept blocking though Wanda seen something and she got my attention. "YN STEVE AND BUCKY" she yelled at he I looked a building was gonna fall on them I stoped it while she was still blocking the War Machine. I herd Steve thank us in the inter com and we said your welcome. Next thing you know I can't feel anything I feel my ears are bleeding I cover them and I fall on my knees on the concrete. Then it was gone it hurt though still but it was much lighter I seen Wanda come up to my face. Her hands were covering both of my cheeks "Yn are you ok love?!" She yelled and asked "I'm-I'm ok" I say looking at her she hugs me my head in her arm her hand on my back of my head  "I'm sorry you guys" I hear a voice I looked behind me it was vision Wanda let go of me "I am too" I said  Vision looked at Wanda "Me too." Wanda said I held my head it hurt to bad "Ow" I say Wanda looked at me. "let's go home and see what happened" she said and I nodded we got up and we went home.



Sooooooo I know 'wHy HaVeNt yOu pOsTeD?"

The awnser for that is 1 bc it's spooky season and I had war with neighbors bc they have x-mad lights up already. Don't ask I do f know either.
2 homework and school and I have a 4 day weekend so yay!
3: I'm lazy and my rooms a mess and I'm working on other stories.

Also I want a new goal.
I want to get at least Infanty War done with by January or February.

I will post like 2 more chapters of this movie and then yay I will be done I hope to post tomorrow or Saturday!

Always love you hunny bunnies

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