Shut it down

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We arrived to the compound with Wanda and Pietro. We still haven't seen Natasha anywhere. We walked into the compound and into dads lobby it was dark "I'm gonna say this once." Cap said as I was by him and the twins were behind me "How about "non-ce"?" Dad asked "Shut it down Dad.Now" I told him "Nope not gonna happen" Dad said I sighed "You don't know what you are doing" cap said "and you do not in  yours and y/n head" Burse spoke up "i know  your angry" Wanda said while walking up behind cap "Oh im way past that. I could choke the like out of you and never change a shade" Bruse said "Bruse Banner how dare you it was one mistake." I said while walking up a little and scolding him "After everything that has happened-" cap said but my dad spoke "It's nothing compared to what's coming" Dad  spoke "You don't know what's in there!" Wanda yelled "This is not a game for once in your life just listen!" I yelled not thinking as everyone argued I I looked behind me and no Pietro then he was by banner "No no go on" he said while he had the plug in his hand then throwing it out "You were saying?" He said then we herd a gun shot and glass break "Pietro!" Wanda yelled I ran to the glass and seen Clint by Pietro who was on the floor.

I jumped down and seen both of them "You didn't see that coming?" Clint asked "Ass" I mumbled while helping the male twin up "Rerouting the upload" I herd dads voice as I helped Pietro up to the floor that we are on. I seen fire and I caught Steve's shield and I seen Steve fly across the room "Dad!" I yelled he didn't even look at me I seen banner choke hold Wanda I dropped Pietro and ran to Wanda "Banner let her go" I said while blue mist was coming out of my hands "Ok piss me off now" he said "Fine" I said while blue mist came out of my hands and bounced to bruse he fell back but Wanda stayed "You ok" I asked her while walking up to her and checking on her she nodded "Good" I said with a smile I seen stuff fly across the room i looked at Wanda "Go over to that pole ok I don't want you to get hurt and make sure to cover you ears ok" I said while pointing to a pole Wanda did as I said and closed her ears I nodded and screamed off the top of my lungs. People fell to the ground Pietro was by Wanda caps sheild was by me bruse was still where he was earlier, dad and cap were on the separate side of the rooms and Clint was by the box "Stop fighting now shut this down or we'll all die" I said while seeing Thor coming into the room and try to attack Wanda I blocked him and threw him to where bruse was "Shut it down. NOW!" I yelled but Thor got up and pushed me hard. His hammer had lightning coming out of it as he was on the box. I got back up as now everyone else was now. Thor was done the box blasted everyone back down. I quickly got up when I seen a red figure come out of the box. It was a robot with the mind stone on its forehead. I started at the robot with curiosity the robot looked at everyone but stoped at Thor and it attacked Thor.

My eyes were open as Thor threw him to the lounge I ran to look at the hot but he stoped when he was close to the glass. I flew over to look at the robot. He was looking outside at all of the buildings he flew over to us while now wearing a gray suit. We all walked over to the bot but not to close as he flew down to us "I'm sorry that was...odd" he said while looking at Thor and talking to us "Thank you" he said to Thor as a cape went down the robots arms "Thor... you helped create...this?!!!" I yelled "I had a vision tiny child a whirlpool that sucks in all hope of lice and it's center is that" he said and I looked at him as he pointed at the minds tone "What the gem?" Banner asked "Gem?! It's the mindstone Banner it's what is keeping this robot alive right now and having a mind like no other robot it was in Lokis septer there are six infinity stone this one is one of them" I spitted out facts "Yes she's right" Thor said while looking at me "Then why would you bring..." Steve started "lBecause Starks right" Thor said while looking at my father "Oh it's definitely the end times" Banner said "The Avengers cannot defeat Ultron" Thor said "Not alone" said the bot "Why does your vision sound like Jarvis" I asked the robot "We reconfigured Jarvis matrix to creat something new" dad said while looking at me "I think I'm had our fill of now" cap said "You think I'm a child of ultron" the robot said "Your not" Cap asked I was confused "I'm not ultron. I'm not Jarvis I am....I am." He said while looking at dad and bruse "i looked  in your head and saw annihilation." Wanda said "Look again" he told her as Clint scoffed "Her seal of approval means jack to me" I herd Clint say "Hers and her brothers powers are horrors in our heads Ultron himself they all came form the mind stone and they're nothing compared what it can unleash but with it on our side" Thor said  "Is it" Rogers said "Are you on our side " he asked the robot  "I don't think its that simple" the red robot said  "Well it better get real simple real soon" Clint said "I'm on the side of life Ultron isn't.He will end it all" the robot said "What's he waiting for" dad asked as I still was quiet "You" said the robot "Where" banner said "Sokovia. He had Nat in there too" Clint said while I staring in space "If were wrong about you...if your the monster that Ultron made you to be....." Banner said "What Will you do?" Asked the robot "I don't want to kill Ultron he's unique and he's in pain but that pain will role over the earth so he must be destroyed" The robot said ""Every form he's built every trace of his presence on the net. We have to act now and not one of us can do not with out the others,Maybe I am an monster. I don't think I'd know if I were one I'm not what you are and not what you intended so, there may be no way to make you trust me but we need to go" said the robot as Thor's hammer was in his hand walking away after he gave it to Thor everyone was stunned "Just have to be worthy" I said "Right,well done" Thor said while patting dad on the shoulder "Three minutes get what you need " cap said and I ran to my room fast I grabbed my bag and I put some extra clothes in there and I ran to get my phone and I went down stairs panting

Wanda's POV
I seen the robot talking to Thor the god of thunder but I seen y/n walk down the stairs she was o pretty I know it's not normal to like a girl but for me it is I find her very attractive sooner I seen her walk to me "Hot everything ready Wanda" she asked I snapped out of my thoughts and nodded "Yes you" I asked her she smiled "Yeah ready" she said and Pietro threw something at me I glared at him then I herd Captain America call for us as we got on a ship and left

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